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SimCity 4

aka: SC4


1001 Video Games

SimCity 4 appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.

Electronics Boutique release

A bonus Transportation disc comes with the game if you ordered the game at Electronics Boutique.

The Transportation CD contains:

  • Steam Engine - Turn any railroad into a historic monument.
  • Paddle-Wheel Steamer - Launch this classic vessel on your SimCity 4 waterways.
  • Bi-plane - Bring your skies to life with the sound of propeller-driven aircraft.
  • Vintage Cars - Add some early automotive style to your city streets.
  • Air Force Game Reward - Featuring new military aircraft that fly in formation.


  • Most of the buildings are named after the developers of the game. (refer to the Credits page)
  • When loading a city, one of the random things the loader says is "Pixelizing Nude Patch." This is a reference to nude patches for The Sims, some which even make the nudity more realistic.

Release history

The game was supposed to be released on 14 January 2003. However, it was shipped to retailers before the release date, and they put it on shelves before the release date. EA got angry at the retailers, but let it go and dropped the release date.

Information also contributed by Andy Voss, Corn Popper, and Nelson340

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Trivia contributed by Zack Green, Plok, FatherJack.