Before we can begin, we of course have to show the fictional league.
The intro contains a montage of kids playing football.
The main menu. The "Single Game" window adjusts depending on what season it is when you play the game. In this case, it's winter.
Game setup.
Picking a team.
Leather or Laces to see who picks first.
Picking your players.
My team of champions. Nobody can top them!
My roster and setting up the players. Be careful not to have one player on the field all the time.
Changing the playbook.
Customizing a play. I didn't want to name it "The Moby" again so I just used the first thing that came to my mind. On a side note, you might be surprised at how effective this play is.
Sunny Day and Chuck Downfield introduce themselves.
Playing in today's game.
The playbook during a kickoff.
Choosing an offensive play.
Brett Favre gets ready to throw a pass.
Pete already shows his immense skills.
I guess he's not quite sure what to think.
Annie can be useful for kicking (she has the highest kicking stats in the game, although she ironically wears sandals), but that's pretty much it.
Although I missed the ball on this screenshot, I made it through.
Kicking off.
Now we're defending.
I throw the ball blindly, but unfortunately it turns into an interception.
This is one of my favorite defensive power-ups...
Boom goes the dynamite!
Throwing it strategically, but it didn't quite work...
...though quarterbacks can run touchdowns too!
Well, that was a failure of a field goal. Also, nothing like accidentally getting part of the scoreboard segue into a screenshot.
Ready to return a punt.
Using the Hocus Pocus power-up, Vicki catches the long pass...
...and nets us 6 more points.
Who says Pablo can't score that too?
So much for domination...
Yes Ricky, I know you scored. Why do you have to rub it in?
With a Spring Loaded power-up, Brett Favre hops right over the defense...
And brings the kicker down to safety. Ha, get it, safety, ehh...I'm sorry, I'm not doing that again.
The final score.
Meet the players.
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