Title screen.
Now loading...
The standard Pokémon introduction sequence.
Choosing my avatar's gender.
And then customizing her appearance.
To start off, you choose one of the three Kanto starters to catch.
Charmander's summary screen. One of the more interesting things to note is that it's significantly larger than its species' average; size variance is a feature unique to this game.
Stardust and candies can be used to increase a Pokémon's Combat Power.
Visiting a PokéStop near my house.
What kind of Pokémon is this? The augmented reality features are optional, but can have some fun results.
Here's an actual wild Pokémon, though!
Catching a Pokémon while augmented reality is turned off.
My inventory.
My user profile.
Recent actions taken.
Humble beginnings to the Pokédex.
A new species caught!
Medals are this game's form of achievements.
Your trainer level can be raised by catching Pokémon, visiting PokéStops, etc. As it increases, more powerful Pokémon can be found.
The in-game shop, where PokéCoins can be exchanged for items and account upgrades.
An egg hatches.
After reaching trainer level 5, players can choose the team they'll be on for gym battles.
Standing next to a gym and a PokéStop.
I left my Oddish at the gym. It will stay there until a challenger defeats it.
Battling in a gym. There's a time limit of 100 seconds.
Battle aftermath.
Eevee evolved into Vaporeon!
Proudly showing off a newly caught Pokémon.
Gym Battle Screen
A view of my research progress.
Updated feature: Swiping instead of tapping
Xatu vs. Blanche's Snowy Castform
Poison Charge Move
Protect Shield
Ghost Charge Move
Magneton's Discharge
Gyarados' Hydro Pump
Dragonite's Outrage
Metagross' Flash Cannon
Rhyperior vs. Dragonite
Flareon's Flamethrower
Fighting Charge Move
Rock Charge Move
Sharpedo vs. Alolan Graveler
Empoleon's Blizzard
Psychic Charge Move
Flying Charge Move
Rhydon's Surf
Machamp vs. Golurk
Hitmonlee vs. Shiny Swampert
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