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Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood

aka: Robin Hood: A Lenda de Sherwood, Robin Hood: Die Legende von Sherwood, Robin Hood: La Leggenda di Sherwood, Robin Hood: La légende de Sherwood, Robin Hood: Legenda Sherwood, Robin Hood: Legenda Sherwoodu

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Windows credits (2002)

149 people with 175 credits.

Spellbound Studios

Producer & CEO Armin Gessert
Creative Direcctor Jean-Marc Haessig
Technical Director Stéphane Becker
Project Manager Andreas Speer
Game Design Jean-Marc Haessig, Martin Kuppe
Lead Programmer Arno Wienholtz
Game Engine Stéphane Becker, Guillaume Brocker, Arno Wienholtz
Sound Engine Yann Gouverneur
Artificial Intelligence Martin Kuppe
Level Editor Stéphane Becker, Yann Gouverneur, Mickaël Parisot
Additional Programmer Martin Mayer
Lead Artist Jean-Michel Stenger
Background Artists Fanny Buecher, Isabelle Gadbled, Myriam Haessig-Urocki, Serge Mandon
Additional Artists Yoann Bourreau
Background Composer Serge Mandon
Background Animation Myriam Haessig-Urocki, Eric Urocki
Character Creation & Animation Jean-Michel Stenger, Fabrice Weiss
Editor Supervisor Eric Urocki
Editors Yoann Bourreau, Myriam Haessig-Urocki, Eric Urocki
Lead Mission Designer Elise Coste
Mission Designer Martin Kuppe, Vincent Lalyman, Mickaël Parisot, Jean-Michel Stenger
Ingame Music Tapio Muley
Cutscene Music Michael Anarp
Sound FX Yoann Bourreau, Yann Gouverneur, Fabrice Weiss
Internal Testing Sascha Gessert, Stéphane Rousseau, Günay Yeniavci, The Spellbound-Team
Team Dialogs & Manual Text Vincent Lalyman
Localization Management Guillaume Brocker, Vincent Lalyman, Céline Païva
Localisation Alexandre Lepoureau, Fanny Jacob

Strategy First

Third Party Producer Susannah Skerl
Executive Producer Adam Phillips
Director of Marketing Steven Milburn
Product Manager Prokopios Sotos, Fiona Costello
Assistant Product Manager Ryan Bastien
Director of Communications Christina Ginger
Packaging and Design Philippe Brindamour, Julie Binette, Anne Lalonde
Web Design Hugo Trépanier, Serge Mongeau
PR Associate Kelly Ekins
Junior PR Associate Michele Packwood
Marketing Associate Raluca State
Quality Assurance Manager Philip DeRosa
Lead Tester Éric Tougas
Team Michel Chouinard, Allison Skerl, Yan Favreau Lippé, Ludovic Pinard, Guillaume Bourbonnière, Sylvain Schmidt, David Mallet, Philip DeRosa
Customer Support Danny Kodais, Emanuel Wall
President Don McFatridge
Senior V.P. Brian Clarke
V.P. Business Development Steve Wall
V.P. Creative Development Richard Therrien
V.P. Product Development Charles J. Kroegel Jr.
V.P. Systems Dave Hill
Director of Product Development James McNeely

Infogrames Inc.

Senior V.P. Wim Stocks
V.P. Third Party/Value/Affiliates Ezra Chen
Senior Buyer Gardnor Wong
Product Line Liaison Brian McCreary

Wanadoo Edition

Editorial and Production Vincent Berlioz, Édouard Lussan, David Hartley, Jacques Simian, Anne Dévouassoux, Céline Païva
Tests Denis Bourdain, Jacques Chatenet, Johann Steinberg, Antony Arrivé, Emmanuel Colombier, Fabrice Escartin, Hugues Miraux, Didier Schwaller, Charles Seydoux, Alexandre Treille
Marketing Frédéric Dumas, Aline Gugliermina, Florence Baccard, Franck Lalane, Florence Lalane, Caroline Maillols, Thomas Otton, Manuela Roch, Jon Bailey, Gonzalo Gil Casares, Krister Malm, Markus Malti, Paolo Gelain
Public Relations Inès Pauly, Tiphaine Locqueneux-Bianchi
International Sales Olivier Pierre, Marie-Josée Limacher, Alexis Gresoviac, Chizuko Mori, Christelle Chandavoine, Arnaud Doudard, Corinne Lebon, Jacqui Ralston, Irène Toporkoff-Mayer, Marie-Christine Vaz
Sales France Olivier Bonnafoux, Loic Mastengue, Ghislaine Flerchinger, Boris Christophe, Walter Finck, Cédric Leroy, Stéphane Marlot, Philippe Pierquin, Marie Queiroz, Dominique Sorin, Carol Thévenin
Sales Administration Caroline de Villoutreys, Fatiha Baha, Ilse Richard
Manufacturing Manager René Tov

Polish Language Version (Polska Wersja Językowa)

Implementation Principle (Pryncypał wdrożeniowy) Paweł Składanowski
Working Director (Naczelnik roboczy) Paweł Ziajka
Language Converter (Konwerter językowy) Tomasz Potocki
Recordings (Odgłosy) Start International Polska
Voiced by (Mowy użyczyli) Adam Bauman, Piotr Bąk, Jarosław Boberek, Izabela Dąbrowska, Andrzej Gawroński, Cyntia Kaszyńska, Zbigniew Konopka, Elżbieta Kopocińska-Bednarek, Ireneusz Kozioł, Mariusz Leszczyński, Marek Obertyn, Dariusz Odija, Marcin Przybylski, Paweł Szczesny, Jonasz Tołopiło, Robert Tondera, Janusz Wituch, Janusz Zadura
Marketing Grzegorz Miller
Plenipotentiary for Betatesting Affairs (Plenipotent do spraw betatestów) Michał Cegiełka
Raiders of the Lost Bugs (Poszukiwacze zaginionych bugów) Michał Cegiełka, Paweł Ziajka
Implementator Maciej Marzec
DTP Scribes (Skrybowie DTP) Robert Dąbrowski, Radosław Osiecki
Production Overlord (Nadszyszkownik produkcji) Michał Bakuliński
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Credits contributed by formercontrib, Mtik333, Corn Popper.