007: Nightfire
007: Nightfire (2002 on Windows, 2004 on Macintosh)
007: Nightfire (2003 on Game Boy Advance)
Description official descriptions
You take on the role of James Bond and must save the world. The Phoenix International Corporation is focused on dismantling nuclear warheads throughout the world, but later evidence has been found that the CEO of the corporation, Raphael Drake, is using his company's concept as a means to find and use the warheads for his own purposes. Because his plans are so well hidden, it is up to Bond, with the help of Q and his gadgets, to stop Drake at whatever cost.
Throughout the game, you will be taken to more than ten exotic areas, reaching all areas of the globe, confronting the beautiful Bond women. In your quest to stop the Phoenix Corporation, you have a variety of weapons available to you, from your trusty Walther to more advanced and prototype machinery.
There are twelve total missions, all of which combine stealth, combat, and Q's trusty gadgets, such as your laser watch and X-ray eyeglasses.'
There are five levels that take place in your Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, and other exotic but deadly sports cars. These missions aren't available in the computer version of the game, instead the Windows version has some other bonus missions.
On the multiplayer side of things, there are over ten multiplayer modes, some of which include characters and settings from previous Bond moves.
- 007 ナイトファイア - Japanese spelling
- 007 나이트파이어 - Korean spelling
- 詹姆斯邦德007:暗夜之火 - Simplified Chinese spelling
Groups +
- 3D Engine: EngineX / EngineXT
- Automobile: Aston Martin Vanquish
- James Bond licensees
- Nintendo Player's Choice releases
- PlayStation 2 Greatest Hits releases
- PlayStation 2 Platinum Range releases
- Setting: City - Paris
- Setting: City - Tokyo
- Setting: Space station / Spaceship
- Weapon: OICW
- Xbox Platinum Hits releases
Credits (PlayStation 2 version)
576 People (473 developers, 103 thanks) · View all
James Bond, 007, James Bond Gun and Iris Logos and all other James Bond properties © 1962-2002 |
Aston Martin V12 Vanquish used under license from |
Shelby, the CS Design, and the design/shape of the Cobra 427 are the trademarks and/or trade dress of |
Cobra and the Cobra Snake Designs are registered trademarks used by Shelby under a worldwide exclusive license with |
Pierce Brosnan name and likeness used under license from |
"Nearly Civilized" |
"James Bond Theme" |
Project Lead | |
Lead Programmer | |
Programming | |
[ full credits ] |
Average score: 79% (based on 39 ratings)
Average score: 3.6 out of 5 (based on 83 ratings with 6 reviews)
The game is Bond - James Bond.
The Good
I am a die-hard James Bond fan and so my expectations on this game were high. You can't imagine my joy when I booted this game up and it started right with the Bond eye sequence and then ofcourse the introductory "5 minutes warmup" scene every Bond movie has to have. This scene consists of full motion video sequences (very cool looking!) and player interactivity - first, you need to shoot some enemies from a helicopter and then you need to take over the steering wheel and drive a lady home safe ;) After the intro scene was done, well, what to expect? Yes - there is no Bond movie without the colorful and often weird "women-dancing-with-guns" sequence where the credits are displayed. Sure enough the game sports this and with an original song too!
After user creation, you'll be dropped right into the action. The game consists of three gameplay modes: first person shooter, rail shooter and driving. In the first mission, you need to get into a castle in Austria and steal some chip from the safe, then escape with your fellow woman spy. It's almost dark outside, snow is falling, and the guards are on alert. Here you can use your Bond gear and weapons. You start with the Walther PPK but you'll get a sniper rifle and submachine gun quickly. In this mission, you'll also need to use your watch laser to open a safe and cut some wires (beware: cutting the wrong wires like I did results in alert).
After some shootouts, you'll escape with the female spy in a gondola down the mountain where you'll be attacked by a bad guy in a helicopter. You will need to shoot it down with your rocket launcher ;)
Next on is a railshooter segment where the lady spy is driving a snow mobile down the mountain and James is at the gun, shooting everything that moves. These are very well designed sequences with lots of speed and great full motion video - you feel like you're watching a Bond movie.
The third mode was imported straight from the EA game "Need for Speed" - you need to drive the Bond car and accomplish the given mission.
Most of the sequences will be shooting scenes, but they will be alternated with railshooter and driving scenes so it doesn't get boring. There is always action on the screen, be it hard shooting stuff or tense sneaky intruding into buildings. There also are 10 different locations in various countries.
All movie sequences, be it in game or full motion video, are very nice modelled and of course with full speech. James Bond himself is spoken by the current movie actor Pierce Brosnan.
Ok, so now after all this gibberish I need to tell you what I liked ... well, I liked that it's like a Bond movie. EA didn't do the mistake and waste this license on some stupid shooting game without a proper story, they really put effort into it, wrote a story which is like a typical Bond movie story (crazy dude wants atomic war etc.). They made great movie sequences, used the original actor to speak Bond, created interesting missions with pretty graphics, let you use new and classic gadgets... well - it's a Bond movie! They even designed a sidekick to the bad guy who really looks and talks like Oddjob or his likes, and pretty (!) girls. Even the dialogue is really typical Bond style - on the party in the first mission, the bad sidekick approaches Bond, grinning like a shark, and asks with a threatening voice: "Do you enjoy the party, Sir?" :)
Yes, thank you - I did!
The Bad
The controls are a bit unprecise and the speech is too low - you often can't hear a thing (but there are subtitles). I also found the guards in the first mission were way too dumb - they never even walked around a corner (in later missions they get better though). Also, the sound the guards make are not well positioned - it always sounds like they stand next to you, but they often enough are far away.
The Bottom Line
If you like James Bond movies and action games, it's the one for you! There never was anything more authentic to the original movies than James Bond Nightfire. Hell, there was never a better movie licensed game (apart from Die Hard Nakatomi Plaza, but that was for the PC only I think).
PlayStation 2 · by phlux (4292) · 2002
As good as the original Goldeneye for N64
The Good
The multiplayer mode is a lot of fun. much better than agent under fire's. Its just fun to play it by yourself with bots. The single player mode is pretty cool especially the driving missions.
The Bad
There is no way to customize the weapon sets on multiplayer and there arn't many missions in the single player mode.
The Bottom Line
It's a good party game for a lot of people and also fun in single player but the missions get really hard... when trying to get platinums that is. Its a lot of fun and if you liked the original goldeneye for n64 you should definatly buy it
GameCube · by Alex Reynolds (1) · 2003
The Good
| The Name is James, Bond James |
From the very start, this games hooks you up as FMV opening sets a unique theme song and as the game starts, you see a typical "James Bond shooting atcha" screen and the story opens with a dynamic action sequence. Being my first and currently the only James Bond game in my collection, I'll put aside my personal feelings for EA and keep getting these games if they keep making them this good, and this James Bond alike. The plot is different yet so perfect for James Bond universe, it has all you need to it, women, loads of badguys, a madman, and secret agent, and captures the essence of James Bond in the best possible sense you could imagine.
| Ready 2 Rumble |
This is basically a FPS (first-person shooter) with some huge exceptions. Aside from regular weapons you may find in other shooters, there are Q's gadgets that James Bond could do without, plus you get to drive Aston Martin (it'll probably be BMW in next one) with explosive Need4Speed experience. But that ain't the only vehicle, you'll drive heavily armored battle jeep, submarine version of your car, or be at a gunman point of a snowmobile or a small plane with, duh, woman at the driving seat. When you're on foot, you can only play in first-person view, though some actions will trigger third-person view automatically (e.g. cable walking), but when in your car you'll be able to switch between first-person and third-person view on the fly. Engine works splendid and graphic and sound effects are top notch as well as James' humorous responses.
| Bond 2 the MAX |
On the fun side, you'll never get bored or see just more of the same, each mission will be unique experience and with extraordinary quality of speed of visuals and dynamics on the screen. There will be stunts like you could only expect to see in James Bond movie, like driving snowmobile through the Alpes and jumping off the cliff and right through the pursuing chopper, or driving a car right through the restaurants due taking the shortcut. This game has a hype that'll live up to your expectations, whether just an action fan or James Bond fan in general, this is something you gotta love to try.
The Bad
Not much, perhaps it might've been a little longer, but when you spot all the details it has, you just take it as one of those masterpieces that end up being short because it simply takes time to make even the slightest level with such quality.
The Bottom Line
| The Game That Injected Me Some Hope About Electronic Arts |
You can forget about watching any James Bond movies after getting this game. It gives you more time to enjoy than a movie, and has better plot than most of James Bond movies, takes you to more exotic locations, and gives you plenty of scenes to let you believe you're being a renowned secret agent himself in the movie of top quality. I used to love James Bond movies as a kiddo, but kinda lots the touch for them a few years ago. This game I actually bought as it was on a special discount. Luckily, I never imagined it could achieve this level of amazement and perfection, and ensure my step back in the world of James Bond series. The reason I liked this one so much may perhaps be it's very similar to Moonraker, the second best JB movie I've seen (first one is The Living Daylights), and the voice actor that gave voice to James Bond fits perfectly, I could barely notice it isn't Pierce Brosnan, since character model is made after him. This is not just a game, nor an interactive movie, this is a true experience which I can hope will be followed by equal in quality series, and not just give-us-more-money-'cos-we're-EA sequels.
Xbox · by MAT (241351) · 2012
After work was finished on 007: The World is Not Enough, Electronic Arts decided to unlink the games from the films since it was very hard to get the game finished simultaneously with the film. They wanted Eurocom Entertainment Software to make a game based on one of the old movies, but updated as in a remake. Keeping the original 60s setting was brought up several times, but always rejected.
After going through the movies, the decision fell on the Bond film You Only Live Twice, but EA preferred Moonraker. Eventually the remake idea was dropped and Nightfire being something of a mash-up of both films. For example, Raphael Drake, the game's villain, closely resembles Moonraker's Hugo Drax. Moonraker also featured narrow escapes from shuttle exhaust, villains fleeing into space and a laser battle on an orbital platform.
With the exception of some of the more far-out guns (such as the laser rifle), most of the guns in this game are real world weapons (in fact many of them also featured in Counter-Strike). However, to avoid royalty issues with the gun manufacturers, the game gives them all slightly altered names. For example, Bond's famous Walther PPK has now become the Wolfram PP7, and the Fn PN90 from Counter-Strike and Stargate SG-1 has become the Munitions Belga PDW90.
The ending credits feature the famous cinematic phrase, "James Bond Will Return."
Additional information contributed by Sciere and Terrence Bosky.
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by JPaterson.
GameCube, PlayStation 2 added by POMAH.
Additional contributors: Alan Chan, Unicorn Lynx, Corn Popper, Patrick Bregger, Plok, Zhuzha.
Game added November 24, 2002. Last modified February 11, 2025.