Main menu.
Beginning of the intro.
I really hope we fight this dude. It should be epic.
A couple more classes to choose from than previous entries.
Still some GOD AWFUL preset faces... they just don't learn.
Starting off our adventure, as randomly as ever.
Our first troublesome big baddie.
Hell yeah, the landscape's beautiful!
Gotta wake him up first or you won't proceed.
Still only the first boss, but this transformation can be a pain.
The main hub, probably the only truly safe zone in the game.
You can buy some nifty items from the vendors around here.
The making of your first bonfire.
The very first area you can teleport to.
Huge dragon spitting fire, no prob. Let's do it.
Some enemies are just not so easy to backstab, as I learned here.
And some you just feel like running from. And sometimes, that's actually the best choice.
Some falls are quite deadly.
You might be tempted to shove a bolt into the old lady's heart. Don't.
One of the rare cutscenes.
Charging a boss with no Estus flasks usually means your doom.
I love dogs, so this really made me sad. But life is about survival of the fittest...
Despite the medieval look of the game, you can also try and be a deadly samurai master.
Talk to as many NPCs as possible. You won't regret it.
Here's a blast from the past... but no, we're not going to Anor Londo...
Dynamic lighting works correctly this time around.
I can see you... bet that guy's gonna be trouble.
Shooting arrows is faster than in the previous games.
The Great Scythe still has an amazing moveset, just like in the first Dark Souls.
Just a sneak peek of what's to come...
But a small detour first, so many hidden areas to explore.
YEAH... just don't help yourself right now, if you know what I mean......
Yup... this boss ain't an easy task.
Some backstab action on a skeleton. Hard to imagine how that would actually work though.
She's blind alright.
Anyone up for some crustacean food...!
An enemy straight from the original Dark Souls.
Does anyone else think 'SIF' when they see this...
Rolling around with that big ass sword ain't no easy feat. Takes some GUTS.
This is what will happen to your pretty face if you go Hollow like I did.
I really don't think he just wants to say hi...
Worst thing you can do in a Souls game is let yourself get surrounded.
Not very friendly, but that's how the Legion works I guess.
I totally got wrecked this time.
Don't get caught by that.
My red self versus two other bastard players.
Serving my new Queen.
Trying to help out another player... by running away. SORRY, but that guy was scary.
Can't handle so much BEAUTY.
Xbox One screenshots
Title Screen.
Character creation screen.
Just starting out.
One of the lords of cinder from the opening cut scene.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
Another day in dark souls.
The thrones of the Lord of Cinder.
Something in a far off tower catches your eye.
Are we missing some important screenshots? Contribute.