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Moby ID: 77259

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Windows credits (2014)

143 people (112 professional roles, 31 thanks) with 161 credits.

Unknown Worlds Entertainment

Game Director Charlie Cleveland
Lead Software Engineers Steven An, Jonas Bötel
Programmers Steven Brown, Charlie Cleveland, David Kalina, Dushan Leska, Max McGuire, Igor Popov, Vyacheslav Sedovich, Scott Thunelius, Andreas Urwalek
World Design Lead Michael Schouten
World Design Oli Hobbs, Andrew Jones, Kiel McDonald, Russell Meakim, Jake Smith
Art Director Cory Strader
Concept Art Pat Presley, Cory Strader
3D Art Andrew Jones, Liam Tart, Scott Thunelius
Visual Effects Sylvain Hel
Additional Art Amanda Diaz (Rant)
Technical Art Lead Brian Cummings
Animation Lead Colin Knueppel
Animation Alex Jeremy, Louis Karim, Scott MacDonald (Obby), Brandt Wojak
Sound Design & Music Simon Chylinski
Nebulous Artisan Hugh Jeremy
Narrative Designer Tom Jubert
Voice Director Tom Jubert
QA Lead Scott MacDonald (Obby)
QA Lead Console Mario Beltran
Communciations Jessica Damerst
Forum Admin Todd Calder (Comprox)
Web Developer Jessica Damerst
Web Design Andrew Jones
Web Backend Engineer Lukas Nowaczek
Office Manager Lilly Baker


3D Art Andrius Balciunas, Max Guyday, Vladimir Mironov, Yuri Mironov, Oleg Kurchenko, Nikita Replyanski, Michael Rahmatullin, Grigory Serov, Sergey Soloviev, Dmitry Sorokin, Alexander Stepanchikov, Maxim Vigovsky

Voice Acting

Bart Trogal James Backway
Berkeley James Backway
Player Simon Chylinski
Alterra HQ Jon Etheridge (Appsro)
Paul Torgal Christopher Godwin
Captain Hollister Christopher Godwin
Lifepod 7 Crew Christopher Godwin
Marguerti Maida Lorelei King
Lifepod 6 Crew Lorelei King
Officer Yu Eleanor Matsuura
Lifepod 3 Crew Eleanor Matsuura, Ramon Tikaram
Lifepod 6 Passenger Eleanor Matsuura
Sea Emperor Lani Minella
Avery Quinn Tony Porter
Second Officer Keen Ramon Tikaram
Danby Ramon Tikaram
Ozzy Ramon Tikaram
Alterra HQ" Brent Triplett (Neebs)
Casting & Studio Side UK

Grip Games

Xbox Programmer Ondřej Mocný


Playtesters Nicolas Abesdris (conscioussoul), Teagan Argiro (Narfwalk), BayouMac, Jesse Brigden (JesseTattoo), Bippity, Alexis Boutros (Imp), Catherine Brace (Prinny), Lee Brunjes (confused), Vee Caecus, Richelle Chamberlin (Tikara), Chris Cooper (Rebel), Andrew Childress (Zaloko), Draisch, Krystal Ewing (Kuri/ironblockgames), Shovel Fighter, Vidar Flodgren (Goddo), Chris Gates (Ironhorse), David Gentry (Salads), Andrew Gotow (AGotow), Oskar Hammarström (Lazybones), Lauren Hanes (Chickenly), Francois Hendrick (Leosky), Robert Klebes (Spork Witch), knightfire5513, Frederik Kunze, Lucihuskeh, Joshua Luitjens (InternetsLive), Matty, Szabolcs Molnár (fleetcommand), Laura Morris (Decoy), Scott Morrison (Knightfire5513), Evan Morse (cesmotacon), Samuel Nitz (Odyssey), Dy Phan (Zefram), Georg Prochazka (Lightdevil), Darrel Raisch (En9a9e), Oskar Holmberg (aka Ramblemoe), Ann Marie Raver (Pardryll), M. Tyler Ryan (mtylerryan), Dillon Savage (WasabiOne), Emil Symes Schrøder (GISP), Denise Segelstrom (desegel44), Elak Swindell (Phaota), Scott Tongue (special), Cédric Timmermans, Colin Wilson (phoe), Laura Walker (azurefireflower), Warboy

Production Babies

Production Babies Olivia Karim, Alys Neilson, Olivia Sedovich, Sienna Strader, Sagan Thunelius, Maxim Urwalek

Special Thanks

Special Thanks Bill Weizheng Wang, Perfect World, Max Schaefer, Fox3D, Valve, Unity, EatMyDiction, Nick Mead (credited as EatMyDiction), Seán William McLoughlin (credited as JackSepticEye), Mark Edward Fischbach (credited as Markiplier), IGP, 8-Bit Ryan, Acituanbus, Anthomnia, Awesomecrunch, DoubleJ, Mobius, PlayTerik, RIOT
Xbox One version by Grip Digital, www.grip-digital.com
Special Thanks [2] Youtube & Twitch streamers everywhere, Subnautica Wiki Community, Hundreds of dedicated online translators, Our families & friends 🖤, Our fans - without you; Subnautica would not have been possible, Dedicated to the families of Newtown; Connecticut.
Copyright © 2018 Unknown Worlds Entertainment Inc.
CYCLOPS® CYCLOPS® is a registered trademark of OceanGate Inc. and is used under license.
Subnautica uses FMOD Studio from Firelight Technologies
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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Sciere, Rik Hideto.