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Moby ID: 73913

[ All ] [ Android ] [ Blacknut ] [ GameStick ] [ iPad ] [ iPhone ] [ Linux ] [ Macintosh ] [ Nintendo Switch ] [ Ouya ] [ PlayStation 3 ] [ PlayStation 4 ] [ PS Vita ] [ tvOS ] [ Wii U ] [ Windows ] [ Windows Apps ] [ Windows Phone ]

Tech Specs/Attributes +

Android +

Business Model:
Minimum OS Class Required:
Media Type:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Number of Online Players:

Linux +

Business Model:
Minimum CPU Class Required:
Minimum RAM Required:
Media Type:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Controller Types Supported:
Number of Offline Players:

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz or equivalent (lower might work but is untested)
Graphics: Intel Core HD Graphics 3000/4000, NVIDIA 8800 GT, ATI Radeon HD 4850 or better
Controller support: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, some Logitech and miscellaneous controllers
Hard disk space: 600 MB

Macintosh +

Business Model:
Minimum CPU Class Required:
Minimum OS Class Required:
Minimum RAM Required:
Media Type:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Controller Types Supported:
Number of Offline Players:

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz or equivalent (lower might work but is untested)
Graphics: Intel Core HD Graphics 3000/4000, NVIDIA 8800 GT, ATI Radeon HD 4850 or better
Controller support: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, several Logitech and miscellaneous controllers.
Hard disk space: 600 MB

Nintendo Switch +

Business Model:
Media Type:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Number of Offline Players via Handheld Mode:
Number of Offline Players via Tabletop Mode:
Number of Offline Players via TV Mode:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

Ouya +

Business Model:
Number of Offline Players:

Windows +

Business Model:
Minimum CPU Class Required:
Minimum OS Class Required:
Minimum RAM Required:
Minimum DirectX Version Required:
Media Type:
Video Modes Supported:
Video Resolutions Supported:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Controller Types Supported:
Number of Offline Players:

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz or equivalent (lower might work but is untested)
Graphics: Intel Core HD Graphics 3000/4000, NVIDIA 8800 GT, ATI Radeon HD 4850 or better
Controller support: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, several Logitech and miscellaneous controllers.
Hard disk space: 600 MB

Windows Apps +

Business Model:
Supported Systems/Models:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Number of Offline Players:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

Windows Phone +

Business Model:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Number of Offline Players:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

iPad +

Business Model:
Minimum OS Class Required:
Media Type:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Number of Offline Players:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

iPhone +

Business Model:
Minimum OS Class Required:
Media Type:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Number of Offline Players:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

tvOS +

Business Model:
Media Type:
Controller Types Supported:
Remote Controllers Supported:
Number of Offline Players:

Attributes contributed by Sciere, Kam1Kaz3NL77.

Ratings +

Android +

ESRB Rating: (Mild Fantasy Violence)
USK Rating:

Nintendo Switch +

ESRB Rating: (Fantasy Violence)
PEGI Rating:
USK Rating:
RARS Rating:

PS Vita +

ESRB Rating: (Fantasy Violence)

PlayStation 3 +

ESRB Rating: (Fantasy Violence)

PlayStation 4 +

ESRB Rating: (Fantasy Violence)

Wii U +

ESRB Rating: (Fantasy Violence)
PEGI Rating:
USK Rating:
RARS Rating:

Windows Apps +

ESRB Rating: (Cartoon Violence, Mild Language)
PEGI Rating:
USK Rating:
CERO Rating:
ACB Rating:
ClassInd Rating:

Windows Phone +

ESRB Rating: (Cartoon Violence, Mild Language)
PEGI Rating:
USK Rating:
CERO Rating:
ACB Rating:
ClassInd Rating:

iPad +

Apple Rating: (Infrequent or mild cartoon or fantasy violence)

iPhone +

Apple Rating: (Infrequent or mild cartoon or fantasy violence)

tvOS +

Apple Rating: (Infrequent or mild cartoon or fantasy violence)

Ratings contributed by Victor Vance, LepricahnsGold, firefang9212, jaXen.