An ancient army of old led by an evil king holds throngs of suffering hostages in its brutal grasp. Only a master of the martial arts, a being of superb strength and unmatched cunning can invade the enemy domain to release the captives. This mighty Trojan warrior carries the destiny of an entire people on his broad shoulders.
GAME PLAY: You are the skilled Trojan warrior armed with protective shield and glittering sword. You must fight through seven different screens to defeat the king and his powerful army. The enemy soldiers are many and varied. Some are hidden. Some are almost impossible to destroy. Use your wits as well as your sword arm against the Hatchet Brothers, Iron Arms, and the Killer Piranhas. Increase your power with hidden secrets that let you jump higher, walk faster, even recover all your lost strength. Drop into underground dungeons, and hunt for bonus characters, but beware of deadly hidden rooms. Victory will be yours only if you learn the secrets of this exciting game.
The Official Nintendo Player's Guide (1987) - NES
Prepare-se para um emocionante confronto com o antigo exército do mal. Você está no controle. O destino de uma multidão de pessoas sofredoras, mantidas prisioneiras pelas brutais tropas reais aguardam a libertação por TROJAN®!
Solte sua imaginação. Agarre os controles. Pois você é TROJAN®. Feliz. Despreocupado. Espirituoso. Mas ainda assim, às vezes considerado irresponsável.
Mas TROJAN®... vocé é um soberbo ser humano que dominou as artes marciais.
Repleto de energia e determinação implacáveis, você reune coragem, embarcando no dasafio de invadir o território inimigo para resgatar os prisioneiros do exército do maligno império.
Você manipula os controles criando a movimentação do escudo protetor de TROJAN® e a manipulação de sua brilhante espada.
Como TROJAN® você batalha contra tropas inimigas de atiradores de facas. Mas cuidado, pois se você for atingido pelas armas de seu oponente, perderá sua espada e seu escudo, e terá que lutar com as mãos limpas### Poderão TROJANC, e você derrotar o inimigo e resgatar o povo do mundo? Você controla seus destinos!
Back of Box (Playtronic) - NES (BR)
Prepare yourself for exciting confrontation with the ancient evil army.
You are at the controls. The fate of throngs of suffering people held hostage by the brutal king's troops await freedom by TROJAN™!
Release your imagination. Grab hold of the controls. For you are TROJAN™. Happy. Light-hearted. Spirited. Yet, often considered irresponsible.
But TROJAN™ . . . you are a superb physical being who's mastered the martial arts.
Filled with relentless energy and determination, you muster courage, embarking on the challenge of invading the enemy's territory to rescue the captives from the army of the evil empire.
You manipulate the controls, creating movement of TROJAN™'s protective armored shield and the wielding of his shining sword.
As TROJAN™, you battle knife-throwing enemy troops. But watch out, for if you are hit with your opponent's weapons, you would lose your shield and sword, and would fight with your bare hands.### Can TROJAN™ and you successfully defeat the enemy and rescue the people of the world?You control their destiny!
Back of Box - DOS (US)
Play Trojan! You can also play the trial versions of "Commando", "The Speed Rumbler", and "Savage Bees". ※ "Capcom Arcade Cabinet" is required to play. Please purchase after downloading "Capcom Arcade Cabinet". "1986 Pack" and "All in 1 Pack" both include this content. Please be careful to not make double purchases.
Source: Description
Contributed by Joshua J. Slone, aquapendulum, jean-louis.