Main menu
The world map
Start of world 1
World 1 level 1: you need to light all the torches in order to go to the next level.
World 1 level 1: now after all the torches are lighted you can go to the next level.
World 1 level 3: be careful from the moving thorns.
World 1 level 3: extra life and gold.
World 1 level 3: the shop
World 1 level 4: a bigger enemy
World 1 level 10: the first boss
Start of world 2
World 2 level 2: a new enemy
World 2 level 2: be careful from the thorns.
World 2 level 4: a bigger enemy
World 2 level 6: an enemy that could not be killed.
World 2 level 10: the second boss
Start of world 3
World 3 level 1: a new enemy
World 3 level 3: be careful from falling from the platforms.
World 3 level 4: a bigger enemy
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