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Need for Speed: V-Rally 2

aka: Test Drive V-Rally, V-Rally 2, V-Rally 2 Expert Edition, V-Rally Championship Edition 2


Built from the ground up rally game delivers high speed, Down and Dirty off-road racing experience**

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., November 17, 1999-Electronic Arts ’ (Nasdaq:ERTS), the world's largest interactive entertainment software company, announces that it began shipping V-Rally 2 presented by Need For Speed for the PlayStation console system. Built from the ground up, the release of this down and dirty title helps to extend the popular, award-winning Need For Speed franchise with racing fans of all types and skill levels.

V-Rally 2 presented by Need For Speed offers gritty rally racing around the world, Need For Speed style, giving the player(s) an array of options to help customize the experience. Set in real-time 3-D environments, V-Rally 2 features white-knuckled, arcade-style rally racing action through wildly different terrain on more than 80 tracks, a customizable track editor and random track generator, and a split screen mode that supports up to four-players.

Racing in V-Rally 2 happens in 12 diverse countries over roads of mud, snow, gravel, dirt and asphalt. Exotic locales and conditions include the treacherous icy roads of Sweden, the rough gravel roads of Indonesia, the breathtaking Corsican coastline and the famous cliffs of Monte Carlo. Each of these courses can be raced under varying weather conditions, during the day or night. Players can choose from 16 officially licensed 1999 rally cars, and 10 officially licensed bonus cars from the illustrious history of rally racing. Each car features strikingly realistic graphics, physics and dynamic vehicle damage. The result is that the cars handling, performance and crashes now come with visual repercussions as doors get bashed in and windshields shatter. V-Rally 2 also features a computer graphics animated driver and co-pilot that react to the player s controls. Helping to set V-Rally 2 presented by Need For Speed apart are its depth of gameplay and multiple options from which the player can choose. The game ships with four main gameplay modes including: Arcade, Rally Championship, V-Rally Trophy and Time Trial. In addition, racing fans will enjoy unlimited track options, such as a powerful and intuitive track editor, allowing players to create courses bound only by their imagination. More than 40 tracks can be saved on a memory card for storage or to transfer to another PlayStation. In addition, the game offers an Artificial Intelligence (AI) random track generator, designed for the player who enjoys the unexpected. These track options essentially make the number of courses available in the game limitless. Racing fans will also enjoy the depth of the statistics tracking which can keep tabs on multiple lap and stage times.

The game extends the standard PlayStation multi-player mode by offering support for up to four players on a single screen via the PlayStation multi-tap. Single and traditional two-player (via split screen) racing are also available. In addition, V-Rally 2 supports Dual Shock analog controllers.

V-Rally 2 presented by Need For Speed was developed by Eden Studios and is being published by Electronic Arts in North America. The game carries an ESRB rating of E (Everyone) and has a MSRP of US$39.95.

More information on V-Rally 2 presented by Need For Speed for the PlayStation can be found on the EA product web site: http://www.needforspeed.com.

Electronic Arts, headquartered in Redwood City, California, is the world s leading interactive entertainment software company. Founded in 1982, Electronic Arts posted revenues of more than $1.2 billion for fiscal 1999. The company develops, publishes and distributes software worldwide for personal computers and video game systems. Electronic Arts markets its products under eight brand names: Electronic Arts , EA SPORTS , Maxis , ORIGIN , Bullfrog Productions, Westwood Studios , Gonzo Games and Jane s Combat Simulations. More information about EA's products and full text of press releases can be found on the Internet at http://www.ea.com.


Press Release - PlayStation

V-Rally 2 ist die perfekte Verbindung zwischen echter Rallye und Videospiel. Adrenalin, Action, gnadenlose Geschwindigkeit, Drifts und langgezogene Sprünge sind nur einige Worte, die erahnen lassen, was sich tatsächlich hinter V-Rally 2 verbirgt. Mit V-Rally 2 taucht man in die Welt des Motorsports ein und erlebt Rennfeeling pur. V-Rally 2 setzt auf der Dreamcast absolut neue Maßstäbe

  • Streckeneditor und Generator
  • 4-Spieler-Modus
  • 16 offizielle World Rally Cars
    • 10 klassiche Bonus Autos
  • Umfangreiche Tuningmöglichkeiten
  • 84 Strecken in 12 Ländern
  • Genial detaillierte Grafik und sehr realistische Landschaft
  • Autoschäden wirken sich auf das Bremsverhalten aus
  • 4 unterschiedliche Spielmodi (Arcade, Time Trial, V-Rally Trophy, V-Rally Championship)
  • Interaktive Replay Funktion
  • Musik von SIN und weiteren Bands


de.infogrames.com - Dreamcast

*### The Ultimate Open Road Racing Championship

**"...the definitive Rally racing game on the Sega Dreamcast."

-Dreamcast HQ***

16 officially licensed rally cars with 10 bonus cars

Over 80 new tracks in over 12 different countries exclusively for the Sega Dreamcast’

Powerful track editor and generator - create, save and exchange saved tracks you create!

Real-Time Damage’ feature shows visible damage during game play

[Driving soundtrack by SIN]


Back of Jewel Case - Dreamcast (US)

Get behind the wheel of 16 World Rally Championship cars

and have your driving skills well and truly tested over 70 special
stages set in 12 different countries under various gruelling conditions.
V-Rally 2 provides unprecedented realism: progressive build up
of dirt and car damage, animated pilot and co-pilot, in-race
animations on the roadsides...

So, if you reckon you're up to the challenge,
go for it and try and lift the Championship title.

  • Exclusive track editor/generator
  • 4 player simultaneous play on one Playstation (using a Multi Tap)
  • 4 game modes available
  • "If you're not careful, this could rule your life" - PLAYSTATION PLUS


Back of Jewel Case - PlayStation (UK re-release)

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