Cobra Force

Moby ID: 69603

[ Amstrad CPC ] [ Commodore 64 ] [ ZX Spectrum ]

Commodore 64 credits (1989)

15 people with 17 credits.

Original Design Simon Hobbs
Commodore Design Duncan Scott Kershaw
Commodore Code Duncan Scott Kershaw
Commodore Graphics Duncan Scott Kershaw
Commodore Music The Amazing 'Sonic Graffiti' Crew
Artwork Peter Austin
Logo Mike Wood, Jon Clark (as Jon Clarke)
Textuals, Story & Shots Simon Daniels (The Truth)
Inlay Production Pete, Si, Steve, Simon, Mike
Tape Mastering Kevin Parker
Yet another classic paste-up Steve Thompson
Duplication, Design & Print by Interceptor Limited
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MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by FatherJack.