Code Name: River of No Return.

Your destination: A landscape teeming with enemy activity. Your target: Bridges vital to the foe!

The sole approach takes you straight up the River, through skies thick with enemy choppers, planes and hot air balloons. The terrain crawls with lethal tanks. The River waters are rife with enemy ships – and fuel depots.

River Raid, the million-plus seller: The best keeps getting better.

Adapted by Steve Hendricks.


Back Cover

The enemy has positioned a series of bridges across the river to ensure a supply line. Your orders are to destroy those bridges, and demolish choppers, tankers, and jets that patrol along the waterway. As you advance, the canyon narrows and the enemy gets smarter. Stay alert, the enemy never sleeps. And any mistake you make could be your very last. River Raid. Can you make it?


Description from Intellivision catalog

Activision's high-flying battle adventure is ready for action! Pilot your jet over the River Of No Return while blowing up enemy bridges and escaping jets, choppers, tanks and ships that wait at each endless turn of the river. Remember: the farther you fight your way in, the narrower the channel becomes, and the chances to refuel get slimmer and slimmer.


Activision Catalog - Winter / Spring 1984 - (5200 version)

River Raid, Activision's battle adventure classic, is ready to explode on to your ColecoVision system. Your mission: demolish the bridges that transport the enemy across the river. Tanks and battleships track your every move, jets and choppers scream through the sky - the action is relentless! Courage, the code. River Raid, the adventure. Can you make it?


Activision Catalog - Winter / Spring 1984 - (ColecoVision)

Conceived and designed by Carol Shaw.For one or two River Raiders

Mission: Code Name River Raid. Jet down the river. Break the enemy blockade and blast the bridges to halt enemy troop advances.

Terrain: Code Name River of No Return. An ever-changing, ever-challenging waterway. Expect huge islands, narrow channels and treacherous bays crawling with enemy choppers, tankers and jets.

Weaponry: Code Name StratoStrafer. Your B1 StratoWing Assault Jet has been retrofitted with sophisticated, rapid-fire guided missiles. Your craft is super-sensitive to the stick. Accelerate, slow or bank radically with only a touch.

Tactics: Jet low to the river to avoid radar. Stop periodically at depots to refuel. A warning claxxon will alert you. Top Speed! Best of Luck!

**Use Joystick Controllers.

All Activision video game cartridges are covered by Activision's limited one-year warranty. See details enclosed.**

This Activision video game cartridge may also be used with the Sears Tele-Games Video Arcade.


Back Cover - 2600 (US), 1982

A mission to test your skill and your trigger finger.

Une mission qui teste à la fois votre adresse et votre doigté.

Eine Mission bei der Sie sowohl Ihre Geschicklichkeit als auch Ihre Zielfertigkeit beweisen mĂĽssen.

Una misiĂłn que somete a prueba tu habilidad y tu rapidez en apretar el gatillo.

Una missione per mettere alla prova la vostra abilitĂ  e la vostra velocitĂ  nel premere il grilleto allo stesso tempo.

Een missie waarmee u zowel uw vaardigheid als reactievermogen kunt testen.

En mission der bade vil teste dine færdigheder og din skydefinger.


Back of Cassette Case - ZX Spectrum (UK/FR/DE/ES/IT/NL/DK)



Code Name: River of No Return.

An ever-changing, ever-challenging water fortress of enemy activity is your destination. A series of vital enemy bridges is your target.

Unfortunately, there's only one way at 'em: straight up the River, through the thick of trigger-happy choppers, lethal land tanks, helicopters and hot air balloons. Treacherous bays reek of peril. Icy currents promise danger. Brilliantly detailed graphics and outrageous sound effects are guaranteed. Y our safety's not. Now, the million-seller, in all its glory, winds into the Atari® 5200™. River Raid™!

Use Atari® 5200™ Controllers. For one or two players.


Back of Box - 5200 (US)

Code Name: River of No Return

A series of vital enemy bridges is your target. There's only one way at 'em: straight up the river, through the thick of trigger-happy choppers, lethal land tanks, helicopters and hot air balloons. Keep cool, keep low, and keep firing.


Back of Cassette Case - MSX/ZX Spectrum (UK)



Adapted for Intellivision® by Peter Kaminski.

For one or two River Raiders


An ever-changing, ever-challenging water fortress of enemy activity is your destination. A series of vital enemy bridges is your target.

Unfortunately, there's only one way at 'em: straight up the River, through the thick of blockading tankers, choppers and jets.

Treacherous bays reek of peril. Icy currents promise danger. Brilliantly detailed graphics and outrageous sound effects are guaranteed. Your safety's not.

Now, the million-seller, in all its glory, comes to Intellivision®. River Raid™!

All Activision video game cartridges are covered by Activision's limited one-year warranty. See details enclosed.

Also for the Sears Super Video Arcade™.


Back of Box - Intellivision (US)




Code Name: River of No Return.

Your destination: A landscape teeming with enemy activity. Your target: Bridges vital to the foe!

The sole approach takes you straight up the River, through skies thick with enemy choppers, planes and hot air balloons. The terrain crawls with lethal tanks. The River waters are rife with enemy ships – and fuel depots.

River Raid™, the million-plus seller: The best keeps getting better.

Adapted by Micro Projects Engineering.


Back of Box - C64 (US)

Contributed by Xoleras, jean-louis, Joshua J. Slone, RKL, Havoc Crow, Jeanne.

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