Title Screen (MCGA/VGA)
Character gender / ethnicity selection (MCGA/VGA)
Intro: Bookwyrm emerges into a library to pull you into a fairy-tale book. "It's okay -- we won't leave the library!" (MCGA/VGA)
Intro: Bookwyrm needs your help. (MCGA/VGA)
Bookwyrm's front yard and your first map location. (MCGA/VGA)
Story menu - you will have to match characters to their tales through this screen. (MCGA/VGA)
Could it be... Cinderella? (MCGA/VGA)
In case you didn't realise you'd just begun a mission, the marquee helpfully indicates. (MCGA/VGA)
Jack is looking for something... (MCGA/VGA)
Didn't even cost you a cow! (MCGA/VGA)
The game also lets you know when missions are completed. (MCGA/VGA)
Peering inside a shack (MCGA/VGA)
The unwelcoming lair of the nefarious Bookend, mixer-upper of tales. (MCGA/VGA)
Though relatively unpopulated, many screens feature easter eggs of hidden animals in nooks of trees. (MCGA/VGA)
Navigating the hedge maze of the Beast (MCGA/VGA)
Not so beastly after all (MCGA/VGA)
Prince Charming's castle in the day... (MCGA/VGA)
and at night. Don't look now, but Bookend (in the corner) is about to make off with the glass slipper! (MCGA/VGA)
The Seven Dwarves' accommodations seem to have gone downhill since King's Quest 4. (MCGA/VGA)
Overhead map for nominal navigational assistance (MCGA/VGA)
Music selection of MIDI classical hits. (MCGA/VGA)
Title Screen (EGA/Tandy)
Choose your kid. (EGA/Tandy)
The librarian. (EGA/Tandy)
Welcome to fairy tale land. (EGA/Tandy)
Map of fairy tale land. (EGA/Tandy)
Bridge. (EGA/Tandy)
In town. (EGA/Tandy)
Beauty. (EGA/Tandy)
Cinderella. (EGA/Tandy)
Jack. (EGA/Tandy)
Dirt path. (EGA/Tandy)
Pathway. (EGA/Tandy)
Forest path. (EGA/Tandy)
A clearing. (EGA/Tandy)
Prince charming. (EGA/Tandy)
Beauty. (MCGA/VGA)
Pretty scenery. (MCGA/VGA)
Snow White. (MCGA/VGA)
She died? And I thought this was suppose to be a kid's game! (MCGA/VGA)
Are we missing some important screenshots? Contribute.