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Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

Moby ID: 68742

Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 83% (based on 11 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.3 out of 5 (based on 14 ratings with 1 reviews)

An insanely excellent translation.

The Good
Mortal Kombat. A word probably heard by every single person on this planet, and probably somewhere on mars too. That's right, it's just that popular. It all started with one title made to fight the insanely popular Street Fighter 2. Well, Mortal Kombat did more than that. It offered a nice looking, bloody masterpiece called Mortal Kombat. Then came Mortal Kombat 2, thought of as the best MK game ever. MK3 failed for some, but it was still good. Next came UMK3 and MKT which were basically the same thing in everything but characters. Next were the spin offs which both sucked. MK4 didn't really bring MK into it's full 3D potential.
MKGOLD was basically the exact same thing with new characters. Now, a couple of years later, MK:DA is out.

First of all, let me clear something. I like Mortal Kombat, despite my reviews of past MK games. Mortal Kombat a very good series, its just that MK has made a lot of problems with their games. MK:DA is a relief.

The GBA translation of this game was perfect. Not near perfect, just perfect. When you start the game, you witness a nice little story thing, then are prompted to create a profile. This was annoying, since I'm the only one who actually plays MK:DA and I don't need separate profiles. Then I head off to the title screen.

There were two modes available, Arcade and Survival. Arcade is the main focus, and Survival, I thought, was just a cheap version of Arcade Ok, so I go to Arcade. Then comes the character select screen. Surprisingly, there were only a few characters! I was disappointed. I picked Scorpion and went on. Then came a series of fights, and then Scorp's ending. Right at the and, it said, UNLOCKED KITANA. Ohhh, I thought, you have to unlock all the other characters. So there was a total, I think, of about 12 characters to play with. Not breakthrough revolution, but good nevertheless.

Survival consists of basically fighting people. Fight 1 guy, then someone else, then someone else(sounds like arcade, doesn;t it), and then get koins in return. This was a good way to get koins without doing all the cheap minigames and waiting for stuff in Arcade.

One thing that was impressive was the massive Krypt. I mean, I knew that the console MK:DA's had krypts, but I didn't think they could fit so much koffins into a huge krypt on a small, puny Game Boy Advance. It was impressive and will keep me playing until I unlock everything.

The basic gameplay of MK:DA is simple, yet complex. All I know is, it's the most fun thing I've ever seen. The game is smooth, not choppy, and the fighting is very dramatic and expertly created. There are different styles, like in the console versions, although only two here. (oh well). Still, the game is very fun to play, Fighting is basically pressing buttons, (one kick, one punch), but the followup combo-like maneuvers are very interesting. Another impressive feature is the balance between styles. One style may be quick but not very damage-doing, while the other may be slow, but packs a lot of damage. Very impressive.

The sound, audio, whatever you call it, is AMAZING. Wow! I mean, the music was so excellently created, it goes beyond anything ever released for the Game Boy Advance. No cheap, midi, dumb sounds anymore. All the music and sound effects are awesome.

The Bad
There is very little to dislike about this game, and whatever puny little thing that needs to be corrected is, it won't make much difference. One bug/difficulty I found was that sometimes when I jumped over someone they wouldn't turn, they just stayed facing the other direction, open to my easily hit attack. A minor setback that made no difference.

The Bottom Line
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance takes the best, of the best, of the BEST of pocket gaming and produces one small cartridge with the BEST. MK:DA is probably the best game you will ever find in a small pocket game. If you're in need of a refresh from trash GBA titles like Top Gear GT Championship and Super Robot Wars Advance, this is for you. If I could, I would give this game a 10/5, but since that is not possible, I have no choice but a perfect, extremely well earned, solid, did I say perfect? Yes? Okay, than a greatly produced 5 out of 5

Game Boy Advance · by ThE oNe (180) · 2014

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Erik Fickhesen, nyccrg, Patrick Bregger, Evil Ryu, Alsy, Jeanne.