WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos
Description official descriptions
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is a fantasy themed real-time strategy game with role playing elements set on the world of Azeroth. After the defeat of Orcish horde at the hand of the Alliance in the second war and the destruction of the Dark portal, the remaining orcs were rounded up and put in internment camps. The game starts with the Orcs being freed by a new warchief from their internment camps and leave for a new continent across the sea. The Humans are troubled by a mysterious disease that turns people into living dead. Meanwhile the undead are preparing for a way to let their Demon masters enter the world of Azeroth.
The game features five campaigns and four playable races: Humans, Orcs, Night Elves and Undead with unique units and buildings. Several heroes that can level up and learn new skills support your troops in battle. The game was followed by an expansion called The Frozen Throne.
- 魔兽争霸3:混乱之治 - Simplified Chinese spelling
Groups +
- BestSeller Series (Cendant / Havas / Vivendi Universal) releases
- Fantasy creatures: Dragons
- Fantasy creatures: Dwarves
- Fantasy creatures: Elves
- Fantasy creatures: Goblins
- Fantasy creatures: Golems
- Fantasy creatures: Griffins
- Fantasy creatures: Minotaurs
- Fantasy creatures: Orcs
- Fantasy creatures: Trolls
- Game feature: In-game screenshot capture
- Gameplay feature: Day / night cycle
- Gameplay feature: Fog of war
- Gameplay feature: Recordable replays
- Games pulled from digital storefronts
- Games that include map/level editor
- Protagonist: Elf
- Protagonist: Female (option)
- Protagonist: Royalty
- Retail releases with faction/character-specific cover variants
- Sound Engine: AIL / Miles Sound System
- Technology: amBX
- Video games turned into board / card games
- WarCraft universe
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Credits (Windows version)
363 People (320 developers, 43 thanks) · View all
Executive Producer | |
Team Lead | |
Art Director | |
Lead Designer | |
Lead Technical Artist | |
Producer | |
Technology Lead | |
Programming | |
Additional Programming | |
[ full credits ] |
Average score: 91% (based on 86 ratings)
Average score: 4.1 out of 5 (based on 237 ratings with 17 reviews)
You'll either love it or hate it...
The Good
WCIII goes a bit further into "roleplaying game" territory than any of its predecessors did. In Starcraft, you had "character" units, true, but they weren't much more than standard units colored differently, and with unique character portraits. Warcraft III goes hogwild, here, making Hero units VERY different from standard units, complete with colored patterned underlighting effects that make your heroes stand out no matter WHERE they are!
In the single-player game, heroes play an important role in the plot; in multiplayer, they're basically very powerful, very expensive units.
As if that wasn't enough, they've also added "creeps" -- random monsters that are neutral to all players, and wander around attacking or being attacked by you. Some have treasure and magic items that can improve your heroes... in a lot of ways, it felt a bit like Diablo Meets Warcraft...
The scenery is fantastic. The look of the game has been enriched in every way.
The Bad
1. No ships? No oil? Nope. This element of the game was dropped completely.
Upkeep. Depending on the size of your force, you get "taxed" -- a medium sized army means each peon is docked three gold before he even gets it to the town hall, and with a major force, he's docked even more. What the heck was THIS all about?
Any player now has a maximum food outlay of 90. This puts a SHARP limit on how many troops you can have, and what type. This is, I suppose, something that's supposed to make you play smarter, instead of depending on "zerg swarms" and "tank rushes"... but, well, hell, I LIKED tank rushes...
The Bottom Line
If you're a diehard RTS gamer, in the Age Of Empires and Total Annihilation vein, you will hate this game. Don't buy it. If you're an adventure/RPG gamer, you won't like this game. Too much RTS in it. ...but if you're the kind of person who can appreciate a delicate mix of the two, it's really quite good...
Windows · by Dr.Bedlam (55) · 2002
The Good
This is by far the best completely 3D game I've ever played, and the first that actually takes full advantage of the 3D terrain. Revisiting the world of Warcraft in a completely 3D environment was a blast.
Warcraft III combines elements of classic RTS strategies and an RPG system to create a whole new experience with RTS', as they did with Warcraft and again with Starcraft. Way to go, Blizzard.
The single player campaign is really good, especially compared to the usual boring storylines that go along with RTS game that only serve as a length tutorial.
The Bad
The game COULD have been great, if it weren't for a number of flaws that seem completely unecessary. First, there's the upkeep. Everyone hates the upkeep. It's unbalanced and makes little sense.
The idea behind the upkeep is, once you reach 40 food consumption, for every ten gold you retrieve, four of it is lost. It's some sort of tax. And when you get to a higher number, you lose 60% of your gold to it! This makes a little bit of sense - the larger your armies, the greater you have to spend to keep'em happy, or something along those lines.
The second horrible thing is the food limit. Starcraft had a pop limit, which was disappointing to most people, but it was a high number; 200, so only rarely did you reach that in your battles. Warcraft III has an attrocious ninety food limit. NINETY. Very few take up one food, most take up two or three, many four, and if I remember correctly, some even five.
The bad, bad food limit combined with the upkeep leaves you with a small army that costs 60% of your income. Your must take this small army and charge the enemy, which, if you're lucky, will destroy some of its defenses, but if the enemy has half a brain, it's going to be able to out defend your pitiful army. So you must regroup and attack. Only problem is, that pitiful army took all your money. And then the enemy attacks. And you're screwed because you can't afford to do anything about it.
The game is very, very unbalanced this way. But, to be fair, you're expected to use your heroes to do most of the strategic fighting, and it usually works because of the spells they have. But it still makes for some unexciting small shortlived frustrating battles.
Another bad thing about the game is the differences between Warcraft II and III. Of course, Warcraft III is a huge step up in the genre, but it loses most of it's "Warcraft" feel. The Human's "elven archer" has been replaced by a gun toting Irishman. There are no ships (none that you can build, that is) and the oil resource has been removed completely. The Orcs no longer look humerously primitive, they look more like the Humans, only..."Orcish".
Warcraft III's story takes place after the unpublished game, Warcraft Adventures, and there is far too many refrerences to the game. If Blizzard hadn't been so proud, and released the game, Warcraft III would probably be much more enjoyable, and we would have another great Warcraft game to play.
There is also no spawn version to install, and the only multiplayer option is a network or battle.net.
The Bottom Line
The single player campaign is a lot of fun, but the mulitplayer is lacking and there are far too many annoyances to make this game worthwhile.
Windows · by kbmb (415) · 2002
Fun to play once, but takes some time to get going
The Good
The story is really awesome and you can play it without having to play the earlier games first. Each campaign tells a different story and there is a lot of variety in the missions. Even to this date Warcraft 3 still has the best story in a RTS-game ever.
It has some pretty good voice-acting and animation. There is a nice balance between story in cutscenes and story in gameplay/dialog, but what amazed me the most was the voice acting. They got some really good actors for this because I believed every word they said.
The controls are just perfect for a strategy game on the PC. If you need to get some soldiers from A to B in a hurry, you don't have to go through a menu and wait for the soldiers to start moving, it is just two or three clicks and they are on their way.
The soundtrack is pretty damn sweet. The credits song actually got me to watch the whole thing. This is much better than just some black and white animation made in Windows Movie Maker!
The Bad
The first few missions of every campaign are boring and if you are like me and you need to delete games from your PC on a regular basis you will see those levels a lot.
The difficulty curve is rather annoying, some missions are incredibly easy, but the one after can be unbelievably hard. That got on my nerves quite a lot because you don't notice that until you are already thirty minutes in and about to die.
The fights are really small because you can only have like fifty units on the field and this includes your peons. Personally, I prefer my RTS fights to be a little more chaotic, but to the game's credit this does make for a more tactical approach.
The Bottom Line
This is one of the best RTS games out there and if you are a fan of the Warcraft games (especially the MMORPG) or strategy games in general you might want to check this out. People who are more interested in action and chaos will most likely get bored during the first few missions and find the later ones to be too difficult, so my advice to them is to stick with other games.
Do I like this game myself?, yes, yes I do, but only every once in two years when I completely forgot what the story was about.
Windows · by Asinine (956) · 2011
Subject | By | Date |
credits completeness? | Rola (8478) | Oct 11, 2012 |
1001 Video Games
WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.
Cut races
The game was originally to have six fully playable races. The sixth race was never revealed, and the first to be dropped. The Burning Legion was originally to be a playable race as well, but due to the effect it would have on their appearance in the game (the idea of having to give them peon units and balancing them out with the other races would diminish their "all-powerful" image), they were dropped down to being non-playable.
WarCraft III originally debuted at ECTS 1999 as a much different game than the final product. The original idea was to make it a RPS, Role Playing Strategy game, incorporating both RTS and RPG elements together. Although some RPG elements are still present, many were cut. Originally, the player exclusively controlled heroes, with extra units being "attached" to them. The game was in more of a third-person perspective (seen if zooming the camera in all the way), and you would explore with your hero (camera fixed on him), completing quests and defeating your opponents. However, due to various reasons (one being that the game was turning out to be very similar to their MMORPG, World of WarCraft which was being worked on as well), the camera angle was scaled back and the game was turned into more of a traditional RTS with some RPG elements.
Pre-order version
Players who ordered this game from EBWorld.com (now EBGames.com) got an extra WarCraft III DVD that contained all three trailers for this game, plus the cinematic trailer for World of WarCraft.
- Blizzard put three StarCraft units into the game. These units are Zerg Zergling and Hydralisk and Terran Marine. They can be used in the map editor, and appear in the credits sequence if the campaign is finished on the hardest difficulty. Additionally, the Hydralisk appears in Night Elf mission 2 (Daughters of the Moon), in the middle of a forest; if a path is cleared with ballistas, the Hydralisk becomes controllable by the player.
- In Orc mission 7 (The Oracle), Tauren units will eventually encounter a lizard named Hungry Hungry Lizard, a pun on the old board game Hungry Hungry Hippos.
- The game features at least three references to Stanley Kubrick's Vietnam war film Full Metal Jacket:
- The Tauren Chieftain in the game claims that "Only two things come from Texas, and I've got horns". This refers to a line in which drill sergeant Hartman tells a Texan recruit that "Only steers and queers come from Texas. And I don't see your horns"
- "This is my owl, there are many like it, but this one's mine", spoken by a Night Elf Huntress, is based on a mantra used by recruits to refer to their guns.
- The Orc Grunt says "Me so horned. Me hurt you long time", based on a line from a Vietnamese prostitute.
The character Thrall has origins in the cancelled WarCraft Adventures game, which was to explain how he escaped from captivity, freed many captive orcs and helped rid them of demonic corruption.
- 4Players
- 2002– Best PC Game of the Year
- 2002– Best PC Strategy Game of the Year
- 2002– Best PC Game of the Year (Reader's Vote)
- 2002– Best PC Strategy Game of the Year (Readers' Vote)
- Computer Gaming World
- April 2003 (Issue #225) – Strategy Game of the Year (Readers' Choice)
- April 2003 (Issue #225) – Best Cinematics of the Year
- GameSpy
- 2002 – PC Game of the Year (Readers' Choice)
- 2002 – PC Strategy Game of the Year (Readers' Choice)
- 2011 – #18 Top PC Game of the 2000s
- GameStar (Germany)
- February 01, 2003 - Best Strategy Game in 2002 (Readers' Vote)
Information also contributed by Ace of Sevens, Aian, Itay Shahar, Martin Smith, MAT and Warlock
Related Sites +
Epic Story Meets Real-Time Strategy in Mac OS X
An Apple Games article about the Macintosh version of Reign of Chaos, with commentary being provided by a Vice-President of Blizzard North, Bill Roper (June, 2002). -
WarCraft III
Official Site - Blizzard -
Warcraft 3 Walkthrough
A complete walkthrough for Warcraft 3 on normal difficulty. Includes how-tos and reward information on all optional quests.
Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by MAT.
Macintosh added by Xoleras.
Additional contributors: Unicorn Lynx, phlux, tarmo888, Carl Ratcliff, Zeppin, Patrick Bregger, Plok, FatherJack.
Game added July 4, 2002. Last modified January 26, 2025.