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Battle Beast

aka: Battle Beast: Das Ultimative Fight Game, Battle Beast: The Ultimate Fight Game
Moby ID: 658

[ Macintosh ] [ Windows add ] [ Windows 16-bit ]

Windows 16-bit credits (1995)

91 people with 104 credits.

Original Concept Dan Kuenster, Scott Page
Design Jeff English, George Grayson, Dan Kuenster, Michael Lynch, Scott Page, Jeffrey Steefel
Lead Programming Jeff English
Programming Trent M. Wyatt, Michael Thenhaus
Production William Ford, Michael Lynch, Mark A. Steeves
Art Director Dan Kuenster, Steve Martino
Topgun Playback Engine Development Doug Gillespie, Don Moir
Asst. Technical Director Harry Gold
Color Key Artist Mark Greenhalgh
Graphic Artist Robert Conner
Executive Producer George Grayson
Producer Jeffrey Steefel
Associate Producer Hollis Leech, Adam Drey Smith
Technical Director Alex Yevgenyev

Sound Design

Audio Producer Paul Ray
Audio Engineers Melanie Mullens, Jimmy Hoyson, Paul Ray
Sound FX Design Gnome Productions, Greg Beaumont
Music Ron Wasserman
Performers Maurice LaMarche, Patricia E. Parris, Michael Sorich, Jeffrey Steefel, Michael Lynch

Software Technology Support

Exec. Technical Advisor Richard Merrick
Production Technology Wes Bell

Software Testing & Support

Dir. Quality Assurance Jon M. Greenwood
Lead QA Engineer Jason A. Greenwood
Testers Amy Koenig, David Dick, Nadine Kent
Technical Support Matt Lee, Paul Downing, Paul Schofield


Writer Linda Garibay
Package Design Steve Martino, Kirk Skadden, Kenni Driver

Animation Department

Animators Enrico Santana, Edwin R. Alcala, Jesus Espanola, Mark Fisher
Junior Animators Richard Baneham, Seth Reek
Super. Head of Cleanup Peter Anderson
Key Asst. Animators Eric Bryan, Lalanie Noriega
Asst. Animators Tao Nguyen, Vanessa Martin, John Dubiel, Adam Burke, Aidan Flynn, Donal Higgins, Brian Boylan
Super Effects Animator Brett Hisey
Key Assistant Effects Animator John Dillon
Assistant Effects Animator Shayne Hood
Department Mngr. Ciara Anderson
Video/Camera Patrick G. D'Arcy
Production Assts. Michelle Italiano, Orla McCamley
Lip & Scene Assignment Maria Delia Flancia Manhit

Digital Animation Studio

Production Coordinator Gillian Coughlan
Asst. Coordinator Kara Chikamori
Digital Effects Artists Zachary Tscharanyan, Tom Lamb, Franz Boehm, Jacquewyn Chambers-Martin, Aaron Fujii
Paint Supervisor Francie E. Gustke
Paint Check Lynn Norris
Painters Diana Morrison, Steve Stewart, Linda Rasson, Lia A. Tjiong, McPercy Sagun, Brian Hartley, Fabian Debora, Eric Schneider, Szymon Kaczmarek, Janice M. Caston, Chris Johnston, Tina Lerno, Roxanne Rogers


Newspaper copy Debbie Dawson, Jeffrey Steefel, Jodie Mann
Dialogue Todd Jordan, Carissa Channing, Jeffrey Steefel
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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Benjamin Tucker, formercontrib.