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Micro Machines 64 Turbo

Moby ID: 6532

Nintendo 64 credits (1999)

66 people (60 professional roles, 6 thanks) with 71 credits.

N64 Development Team (Codemasters Software Company Ltd.)

Producers Stewart Regan, Kurt Banks
Programmers Frank Arnot, Grant Clarke, Doug Smith, Andrew West
Artists Patrick McGovern, Paul Reeves

Music and Sound

Music and Sound Timothy Bartlett

Print Design & Production

Print Design & Production Aaron Miller, Kurt Banks

Special Thanks

Special Thanks Gary Rowe


Packaging and Design Liz Darling, David Alcock, Aaron Miller

Game Design and Prototyping Department

Game Design Manager David Osbourn
Design Representative Alex Darby

Track Editing

Track Designer Graham Ridby
Track Editors Graham Ridby, Steven Powell, Patrick O'Luanaigh, Chris Southall, Iain Russell, Mo Toubella, William Darling

Q. A. Department

Q. A. Manager Chris Rowley
Q. A. Team Leader Kurt Banks
Q. A. Technicians Dean Baker, Eddy Di Luccio, Kalvarn Birk, Richard Healy

Midway Home Entertainment Team

Producer Brian Lowe
Associate Producer Zach Wood
Assistant Producer Erwin Gasmin
Technical Director Scott Maxwell
Test Manager Robert Sablan
Lead Tester Bishop
Testers Nico Bihary, Wes Graham, Brent Sprecher, Shakir Crawford, Todd Bailey, Chad Haley
Print Design & Production Debra Austin, Gary Gonzales, Andy Lycke, Jon Mongelluzzo, Chris Mowry, Erin Shems, Chris Vine, Dave Young
Special Thanks Brian Loke, Deborah K. Fulton, Justin Heber, Brian Casper, Shon J. Flannagan

Original PSX Version Credits

Lead Programmer Andrew Graham
Programmers Andrew Tate, Lee Metcalfe, Mark Coombes
Lead Artist Toby Eglesfield
Vehicle Modelling Raymond Livings
Artists Toby Eglesfield, Alex Cave, Peter Byard, Adam Norbury, Rachel Wood, Paul Gataaura, Derek Windsor, Mark Neesam (as Mark Nesam), Peter J. Ranson (as Pete Nesam)
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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by quizzley7, Rik Hideto.