A group of space pirates known as the Cosmo Gang is concocting an evil scheme, which involves smuggling rare fruits and using them for their own foul purposes. Two young mecha pilots, Riki and his sister Mami board a giant mecha called Bangai-O, in order to confront the pirates in battle and foil their villainous plans.
Bangai-O is a multi-directional shooter and a spiritual successor to Hover Attack. The player maneuvers the titular mecha and shoots in eight directions. Two firing modes represent switching between the two pilots. Riki fires homing missiles, while Mami's shots bounce off walls. Enemies drop fruits upon defeat, which are equivalent to power-ups in other games. It is also possible to execute a special attack that consists of a burst of shots fired in all directions. Scoring successful combos (or increasing explosion count in the Dreamcast version) leads to higher-level power-ups.
- 爆裂無敵 バンガイオー - Japanese spelling
Groups +
Credits (Nintendo 64 version)
26 People · View all
General Manager (総カントク) |
Character Design (キャラクターデザイン) |
Bangai-O Design (バンガイオーデザイン) |
Teppō-dama Robot Design (鉄砲玉ロボデザイン) |
World & Sub Character Design (世界観、サブキャラ原案) |
Effects (エフェクト) |
System Program (システムプログラム) |
Graphics (グラフィック) |
Game Program (ゲームプログラム) |
Field Edit (フィールドエディット) |
Character Program (キャラクタープログラム) |
Stage Graphics (演出グラフィック) |
CG Graphics (CGグラフィック) |
Graphics Tuning (グラフィック調整) |
Stage Director (演出カントク) |
Other Program (その他プログラム) |
[ full credits ] |
Average score: 77% (based on 21 ratings)
Average score: 3.7 out of 5 (based on 38 ratings with 0 reviews)
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1001 Video Games
The Dreamcast version of Bangai-O appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.
Title translation
The Japanese title of the game, Bakuretsu Muteki Bangaioh!, can be translated into "Explosive Invincible Bangaioh".
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Satoshi Kunsai.
Additional contributors: chirinea, Patrick Bregger, yenruoj_tsegnol_eht (!!ihsoy), FatherJack.
Game added May 27, 2002. Last modified January 18, 2025.