Fort Boyard

Moby ID: 6471

Game Boy Color credits (2001)

16 people (14 professional roles, 2 thanks) with 19 credits.

Product Manager Cécile Prevost
Project Manager Jean-Paul Mari
Lead Design Loïc Yvart
Lead Programmer Jean-Paul Mari
Tools Programmer Didier Poulain
Graphic Designer Loïc Yvart
Level Design Gwenaël Buchotte, Jean Christophe Mairot, Xavier-Claude Passeri, Loïc Yvart
Q/A and Tests Franck Quéro, Greg Touilliez
Packaging Monia Addad
Music Piggy Pie, Thomas Colin
Sound Design Visual Impact, Claude Verstraeten
Thanks To Soléne, Morgane et Nicolas for their patience!
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MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Kabushi, Evil Ryu.