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Namco High

Moby ID: 64320

Browser credits (2013)

58 people (43 professional roles, 15 thanks) with 80 credits.

Namco High

Creative Director & Original Concept Andrew Hussie
Head Writer Ananth Panagariya
Writers Brian Clevinger, Magnolia Porter
Character Artist - Cousin, Taira Yuko Ota
Character Artist - Valkyrie Ashley Davis
Character Artist - Anti-Bravoman Dax Gordine
Character Artist - Meowkie Geneva Hodgson
Character Artist - Galaga Rich Stevens
Character Artist - Albatross, Richard Miller Tessa Stone
Character Artist - Lolo, Jane Crocker JN Wiedle
Character Artist - Terezi Pyrope Alexandra Douglass
Character Artist - Blue Max Audra Furuichi
Character Artist - Mr. Driller Gigi D.G.
Character Artist - Tomari Der-Shing Helmer
Character Artist - Aki Matsuo Tyson Hesse
Character Artist - Davespite, Donko E.N.
Character Artist - Hiromi OMOCAT
Character Artist - Nidia ND Stevenson
Backgrounds Lindsay Woods
UI Design Cat Sze
Lead Developer Conrad Kreyling
Associate Producer Ritsuko Aoyagi
Co-Producer George Rohac
Producer Rob Pereyda
Executive Producer Yutaro Ikegaya
Score Ryan Francis
"Namco High Credits Theme" Composed by Ryan Francis
"Namco High Credits Theme" Vocals by Mary Thomas
All Other Songs Composed and Produced by Ryan Francis
SFX Editing George Rohac
Some sound effects acquired from SoundSnap.com
NAMCO HIGH Logo Design Ananth Panagariya

Team Date Nighto

Founder, Lead Developer Conrad Kreyling
Co-Founder, Lead Artist Lindsay Woods
Production Intern Kasey Van Hise
Scene Direction Kasey Van Hise, Conrad Kreyling, Yuko Ota, Ananth Panagariya, George Rohac, Lindsay Woods
QA & Testing Amanda Cosmos, Kasey Van Hise, Yuko Ota, Magnolia Porter, JN Wiedle

Team What Pumpkin Studios

Team What Pumpkin Studios Cindy Dominguez, Andrew Hussie, Byron Hussie, George Rohac, Julián Domínguez

Team Shifty

Team Shifty Shigetaka Kurita, Rob Pereyda, Yutaro Ikegaya, Cory Casoni, Ritsuko Aoyagi, Ash Paulsen, Kaori Ito

Special Thanks

Special Thanks Shin Unozawa, Makoto Asanuma, Tomoaki Imanishi, Katsuhiro Harada, Ken Nakadate, Guy Brand, Evan Rowe, Mark Hatcher, Mokoto Tachibana, Esabelle Ryngin, Christine Love, Rebecca Robinson, My Brother My Brother and Me, WeLoveFine, and YOU!


Backend by Moove-It
Built using htmlVN by Date Nighto


Homestuck, Davesprite, Jane Crocker and Terezi Pyrope © 2013, Andrew Hussie
Copyright NAMCO BANDAI Games, Namco and ShiftyLook logos ™ & © 2013 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc., NAMCO™ HIGH © 2013 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc.
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In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Lampbane.