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Deadly Dozen

Moby ID: 6359

Windows credits (2001)

61 people (47 professional roles, 14 thanks) with 62 credits.


Producer Steven D. Ellis
Game Concept Steven D. Ellis
Director of Product Development Peter Armstrong
Senior VP of Product Development Paul Rinde
Marketing Manager Dennis Davidson
VP of Marketing Tracy Magnuson
Interior Box Art Christopher J. Odegard
Box Cover Art Michael Tschimperle
Creative Director and Box Art Concept Keith M. Anderson
Sr. Print Production Manager Cherrie Julkowski
Lead QA Michael Hathaway
QA David Degnan, Philip Armstrong
Gameplay Testing Steven Charbonneau, Michael Cucchiarella, Peter Eckert, Brian Ewoldt, Michael Gjere, Jay Carling King IV, Chris Lundeen, Nate Birkholz, Nate Purdy
Special Thanks Bill Winski, Doug Carey, Quinton J. Maxwell, Frank Alvisno, Gino Sisi, Wendell Davidson

nFusion interactive

Programming Director Jason Zisk
Art Director Jeffrey M. Birns
AI Programming Phil Vitiello Jr.
Lead Artist Ron Shellhamer
Animation Michael Wallin
Programming Alex Papasavas
Additional Programming Andrew Visscher, Paul Nettle
Additional Artwork Christian Bradley, Anton Wiegert, Sylum Entertainment, Lori Champney, Jay Kapadia
Music Kochun Hu
Sound Fx Christian A. Salyer
Movie Production Scott Felsen, C-Marc Digital Video Production Atlanta GA
Special Thanks David Schulman, Alex Kotkin, Fayruliza Azmi, Jim Offerman, Ganesh Burra, Adam Moravanszky, John Szucs
Very Special Thanks to Amy Birns
Narration John Martin, Jeff Folger
Voice Overs Marc Greenwald, Scott Stevson, Fred Yunggebauer, Paul Onovoh, Ron Reach, Jolon Martin
Technical Assistant Pete Rattigan
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Kabushi.