Journey to the Center of the Earth Adventure
Greg Hassett
Greg Hassett, the game's author, was only 12 years old when he wrote Journey to the Center of the Earth Adventure, his first game. He went on to write several more text adventures in BASIC, before moving on to writing in Z-80 machine language.
Source Code
The BASIC source code for the TRS-80 version of this game, as published in The Captain 80 Book of BASIC Adventures, is 267 lines long, which includes both the game engine and the content.
Thematic Inconsistency
Journey to the Center of the Earth Adventure is set deep underground, but includes many rooms that don't fit in. The Captain 80 Book of BASIC Adventures comments on this, saying:
Not so with Journey to the Center of the Earth, where coke machines and plush rooms have no thematic explanations. Of course, Journey was Greg Hassett's first work and his knowledge of the laws of theme increased as he matured in both programming skill and writing prowess.
Trivia contributed by Tracy Poff.