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Hearts of Iron: Darkest Hour

aka: Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

Über dieses Spiel

Darkest Hour ist ein eigenständig lauffähiges Spiel aus der Hearts of Iron - Reihe, hinter dem eine Reihe erfahrener Modder aus dem offiziellen Paradox-Forum stehen. Den Spieler erwarten mehrere lange Kampagnen und spannende Einzelszenarien aus den dunkelsten Kapiteln des 20. Jahrhunderts, vom Weltenbrand 1914 bis hinein in die bedrohliche Zeit des Kalten Krieges.

Darkest Hour bietet unter anderem eine verbesserte künstliche Intelligenz, die in der Lage ist, auf hunderte gleichzeitige Herausforderungen zu reagieren, und ein dynamisches Diplomatiesystem, welches dem Spieler umfassenden Einfluss auf den Gang der Geschichte bietet.

Die wichtigsten Spielbestandteile in Kürze:

  • Mehrere Kampagnen unterschiedlicher Länge schicken den Spieler in die dunkelsten Stunden des 20. Jahrhunderts, vom Ersten Weltkrieg bis hin zum Beginn des Kalten Krieges.
  • Die komplett neu erstellte Weltkarte zeigt mehr Details, ermöglicht historisch korrekt dargestellte Grenzverläufe und bietet neue taktische wie auch strategische Optionen.
  • Das neue dynamische Diplomatiesystem gibt dem Spieler größeren Einfluss auf den Gang der Geschichte.
  • Die überarbeitete KI ist in der Lage, auf hunderte verschiedene Situationen parallel zu reagieren.


Große Kampagnen (Nation weltweit frei wählbar): * 1914 Der Große Krieg (Startdatum: 27. Juni 1914) * 1933 Der Tag der Entscheidung (Startdatum: 4. März 1933) * 1936 Der Weg in den Krieg (Startdatum: 1. Januar 1936) * 1939 Blitzkrieg (Startdatum: 1. September 1939) * 1940 Europa in Flammen (Startdatum: 10. Mai 1940) * 1941 Der Riese erwacht (Startdatum: 22. Juni 1941) * 1942 Der Feind vor den Toren (Startdatum: 22. November 1942) * 1943 Das Blatt wendet sich (Startdatum: 26. Juli 1943) * 1944 Götterdämmerung (Startdatum: 20. Juni 1944) * 1945 Endsieg (Startdatum: 16. Dezember 1944)

Kampfszenarien (mit Fokus auf eng begrenzte Episoden und mit limitierter Länderauswahl): * 1904 Der Russisch-Japanische Krieg * 1939 Fall Weiß: Die Invasion Polens


store.steampowered.com (German)

About This Game

Developed by a team of experienced modders from the Paradox forum, Darkest Hour is a stand-alone Hearts of Iron game. The game features a mixture of short and in-depth campaigns set across the darkest chapters of the 20th century. Play from the outbreak of the Great War up until the onset of the Cold War.

                    Darkest Hour will introduce a new artificial intelligence that is now able to react to hundreds of different situations simultaneously. It implements a dynamic diplomatic system that will allow the player to have a real impact on the course of history.

                    <h2>Key Features:</h2>                      <ul><li>Short and grand campaigns allow players to experience the darkest hours of the 20th century, from the Great War to the onset of the Cold War

                    </li><li>New map, redesigned to offer greater detail as well as strategic and tactical opportunities

                    </li><li>Dynamic diplomatic system giving the player greater influence on the course of events

                    </li><li>New artificial intelligence capable of reacting to hundreds of different situations


                    <h2>Scenarios:</h2>                     Grand campaign scenarios (where it is possible to choose any of the nations involved):

                    <ul><li>1914 The Great War (starting on June 27, 1914)

                    </li><li>1933 Day of Decision (starting on March 4, 1933)

                    </li><li>1936 The Road to Another War (starting on January 1, 1936)

                    </li><li>1939 Invasion of Poland (starting on September 1, 1939)

                    </li><li>1940 Burning Europe (starting on May 10, 1940)

                    </li><li>1941 Awakening the Giant (starting on June 22, 1941)

                    </li><li>1942 Enemy at the Gate (starting on November 22, 1942)

                    </li><li>1943 Allied Invasion of Sicily (starting on July 26, 1943)

                    </li><li>1944 Allied Landing in Normandy (starting on June 20, 1944)

                    </li><li>1945 Battle of the Bulge (starting on December 16, 1944)

                    </li></ul>                      Battle scenarios which focus on specific battles or wars and where players can choose between a small number of nations:

                    <ul c><li>1904 Russo-Japanese War

                    </li><li>1939 Invasion of Poland




About the Game

Published by Paradox Interactive and developed by a team of independent developers, Darkest Hour is a grand strategy game featuring a mixture of short and in-depth campaigns set across the darkest chapters of the 20th century, from the outbreak of the Great War up to the onset of the Cold War. Darkest Hour introduces an artificial intelligence that is able to react to hundreds of different situations simultaneously, along with a dynamic diplomatic system that will allow the player to have a real impact on the course of history.


  • Short and grand campaigns allow players to experience the darkest hours of the 20th century, from the Great War to the onset of the Cold War
  • World map drawn by hand to offer strategic and tactical opportunities
  • Dynamic diplomatic system giving the player greater influence on the course of events
  • Artificial intelligence capable of reacting to hundreds of different situations

Grand Campaigns

  • 1914 The Great War (starting on June 27, 1914)
  • 1933 Day of Decision (starting on March 4, 1933)
  • 1936 The Road to Another War (starting on January 1, 1936)
  • 1939 Invasion of Poland (starting on September 1, 1939)
  • 1940 Burning Europe (starting on May 10, 1940)
  • 1941 Awakening the Giant (starting on June 22, 1941)
  • 1942 Enemy at the Gate (starting on November 22, 1942)
  • 1943 Allied Invasion of Sicily (starting on July 26, 1943)
  • 1944 Allied Landing in Normandy (starting on June 20, 1944)
  • 1945 Battle of the Bulge (starting on December 16, 1944)

Battle Scenarios

  • 1904 Russo-Japanese War
  • 1939 Invasion of Poland

Release Date: April 5th, 2011

Publisher: Paradox Interactive

System Requirements: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7, Pentium III 800MHz, 128MB RAM, 2GB hard drive space, DirectX-compatible video card, DirectX 9.0 or higher.


www.darkest-hour-game.com (development team)

Contributed by jaXen, Rebound Boy.

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