Space Invaders

aka: Space Invaders EX , Space Invaders X

[ Game Boy Advance ] [ Nintendo 64 ] [ PlayStation ] [ Windows ]

Windows credits (1999)

98 people (71 professional roles, 27 thanks) with 106 credits.

Design Dedan Anderson, Carlos J. Guzman
Programming Mark Billington, Larry Landry, Sebastien St-Laurent, Michael Tedder
Additional Programming Brett Bourbin, Alex Villagran
Music / Sound Programming David Grace
Libraries / Utilities Roopa Das, Nick Torkos
Graphics / Artwork Brittnell Anderson, Vivian Barad, John Barrows, Peter Davis, Matt Donino, Tom Griffin, Melissa Kangeter, Carlos Mann, David Renneker, Maurine Y. Starkey
Additional Graphics / Artwork Vincent Castillo
Music Brian Bright
Production Todd Quincey Jefferson
Art Director Lara Norman-Stowers
Documentation Sylvia Orzel, Michael Rivera
Producer Chris Archer
Associate Producer Brian Bright
Director Sergio A. Bustamante II, Angela Hill
Project Manager Karlo Kilayko
Playtesting Daniel Atkins, Stephen Boisvert, Bruce Campbell, John Fritts, Hector Guerrero, Josh Horowitz, Richard Kurnadi, Donn North, Eric Stephens, Phil Wong
Quality Assurance Marietta Pashayan, John Sherwood, Jason Wong
Special Thanks To Takehisa Abe, Gene Bahng, Jim Barry, Gordon Bellamy, Bryant Bustamante, Brian Clarke, Jim Connelley, Ron Doornink, Grant L. Freerks, Adam Goldberg, Jay Halderman, Tanya Langston, Mitch Lasky, Thaine Lyman, Matthew McClure, Jennifer Mellios, Marilena Morini, Masaaki ÅŒzuno, Barry Plaga, Rowena Policar, George Rose, David Stohl, Jim Summers, Bill Swartz, Murali Tegulapalle, Eric Zala, Jill Barry
System Administration Greg Haa
Management David Luntz, Reagan Luntz, Randy Condon

Activision Customer Support

Customer Support Manager Bob McPherson
Technical Help Jermaine Clarke, Gary Bolduc

Activision Creative Services

Designer Erik Jensen
Production Artists Ron Graening, Cindy Whitlock
Copywriter Veronica Milito
Documentation Manager Michael Rivera
Documentation Layout Sylvia Orzel

Activision UK

Localisation Supervisor Nathalie Ranson
Localisation Assistant Mark Nutt
Creative Services Manager Lucy Morgan
Product Manager Matti Kuorehjarvi
Managing Director UK/Rest of Europe John Burns
Senior Vice President International Bob Dewar

Activision Germany

Localisation Natascha Conrad, Bettina Butcher, Klaus Müller
Product Manager Christian Streil
Marketing Manager Andreas Stock
PR Manager Markus Wilding

Other Services

Lead Designer Offshore Design Group
Artistic Consultation Larry Paolicelli
Cinematic Artwork and Animation Albert Co
Cinematic Music and Audio Brian Bright
Additional Artwork Vivian Barad (Mondo Media), Melissa Kangeter (Mondo Media), Brittnell Anderson (Mondo Media), Carlos J. Guzman

Studio Management

Senior Vice President, Studios Stephen Crane
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



People credited on this game were also credited on:

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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by formercontrib, Lee Seitz.