
aka: Eldritch: Reanimated
Moby ID: 62252

[ Linux ] [ Macintosh add ] [ Windows ]

Linux credits (2013)

159 people (116 professional roles, 43 thanks) with 191 credits.


Published by Minor Key Games
Developed by David Lindsey Pittman
Made possible by Kim Acuff Steiner (as Kim Acuff Pittman)
Additional music by J. Kyle Pittman
Minor Key Games is David Lindsey Pittman, J. Kyle Pittman
Key art by Kale Menges
Localization by Rodrigo de Araújo (as Rodrigo Araújo), Paulo Natale Belato, Zsolt Brechler, Oleksandr Dudar, Thomas Faust, Krzysztof Filimonowicz, Julien Gras, Frederik Hermund, Ville Moilanen, Vladimir Orellana, Alfredo Prato, Luca Tomei
Extra special thanks to J. Kyle Pittman, Kim Acuff Steiner (as Kim Acuff Pittman), Thomas Pittman, Mom and Dad Pittman, Kent Hudson, Tynan Wales
Special Thanks to Andrzej Stewart, Anthony Soave, Casey Goodrow, Chris Port, Chris Proctor, Dave Uryasz, G. Henry Schmitt, Jake Rodkin, James O'Sullivan, James Stewart, Jeffrey Everidge, Johnnemann Nordhagen, Jordan Thomas, JP LeBreton, Kabir Jalal, Karla Zimonja, Kenneth Strickland (as Ken Strickland), Leon Hartwig, Logan Blackburn, Marc Fletcher, Martin Jennings-Teats, Michael Stout (as Mike Stout), Nikul Bhoola, Patrick Connor, Rafa Momeñe, Raymond Graham, Rich Wilson, Scott Foster, Scott J. LaGrasta (as Scott LaGrasta), Sean Vanaman, Sherman Somerville, Stephanie Meyer, Steve Gaynor, Steven Byrd, Will Reynard, William W. Armstrong (as William Armstrong), Zak McClendon
FMOD Ex Casual copyright © Firelight Technologies Pty Ltd, 1994-2013
SoLoud audio engine copyright © 2013-2015 Jari Komppa
Ogg Vorbis decoder by Sean T. Barrett
Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL 2.0) copyright © 1997-2013 Sam Lantinga
zlib copyright © 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly, Mark Adler
TinyXML copyright © 2000-2006 Lee Thomason
Press Start 2P font by William Cody Boisclair (as codeman38)
G7 Makaimura font by Genshichi Yasui
G7 Wizardly font by Genshichi Yasui
Fixedsys Excelsior font by Darien Gavin Valentine

Eldritch uses Creative Commons licensed sounds from Freesound.org

Tawny Owl - Male by Sean Townsend (as sean.townsend)
Tawny Owl - Female by Sean Townsend (as sean.townsend)
Owls.wav by Ben Boncan (as Benboncan)
snowy owl.mp3 by soundmary (as soundmary)
magellanic_penquin.wav by soundbytez
pinguin_vox.wav by NOISE.INC
20110504_buzz.wav by dobroide (as dobroide)
Large Swam of Buzzing Flies.wav by Jakob Thiesen (as jakobthiesen)
Zombie Flesh Bites by MrPokephile (as MrPokephile)
MrM_CeleryBreaking.wav by Rob McCormack (as mrmccormack)
horror_bone_crunch.wav by soundscalpel.com
Bone crush/neck twist.wav by carlito62 (as carlito62)
Bee Swarm.wav by Puniho (as Puniho)
BunchOfFlies.wav by Herbert Boland (as HerbertBoland)
flying_insect.wav by reg7783 (as reg7783)
20080416.buzz.stereo.wav by dobroide (as dobroide)
bee.aif by sofajoe (as sofajoe)
dog sniffing, scuffing, licking and drooling (Rottweiler).aif by Matija Gajić (as Tomlija)
poly ice slow.wav by Paul Skinner (as skinnytecboy)
Ice cueb.wav by Parker Blakeley (as parker.blakeley)
Ice Cracks by Karlis Stigis (as karlis.stigis)
ice2.wav by jwb4 (as jwb4)
ice1.wav by jwb4 (as jwb4)
Ice Break_1.mp3 by CGEffex (as CGEffex)
Crack and Stress.wav by Justin Wasack (as JustinBW)
light_switch_click.mp3 by Dave Girtsman (as blimp66)
LightSwitch.wav by Elle T (as tgfcoder)
WaterFaucet01-2.wav by Spencer Poole (as edmspencerpoole)
Faucet Running.aif by robgtoner (as robgtoner)
flush2.wav by Kim Burgess (as PhreaKsAccount)
klosülung.wav by swuing (as swuing)
MatchStrike07.wav by kingsrow (as kingsrow)
Fountain_1.wav by skyko (as skyko)
Fountain.wav by Mikael Fernstrom (as mikaelfernstrom)
rubber-band-twang3.aif by Chris Castiglione (as alienistcog)
door-stopper-twang.aif by Chris Castiglione (as alienistcog)
Sizzling Steak.wav by Shayne Cantly (as shaynecantly)
wobble_12.wav by matucha (as matucha)
undress 1.aif by Walter Odington (as Walter_Odington)
cloth_fold.wav by j1987 (as j1987)
clothes into rucksack and zip up 002.WAV by uwesoundboiz
clothes into rucksack and zip up 001.WAV by uwesoundboiz
HeavySkirtMovement.wav by Herbert Boland (as HerbertBoland)
Keys9.wav by egolessdub
key jingle.mp3 by Brian R. Johnson (as JohnsonBrandEditing)
Droping a key by lucktheone (as lucktheone)
Drinking water from a fountain by felipelnv (as felipelnv)
STE-005 Fountain Drinking Water.wav by Hector Parra (as wizbcn)
4_drinking.aiff helupema (as helupema)
finger_cymbals_crash_choke05.wav by soundbytez
finger_cymbals_side03.wav by soundbytez
finger_cymbals_side05.wav by soundbytez
finger_cymbals_side_choke03.wav by soundbytez
finger_cymbals_crash02.wav by soundbytez
Slimy flesh by iampagan (as iampagan)
eat apple.wav by keweldog (as keweldog)
Eating apple by Filip Szarecki (as niwki)
Whiff.mp3 by kingsrow (as kingsrow)
African metal blade for farming by Cos Renjaan (as badvibezproductionz)
Door_Open_01.wav by skyumori (as skyumori)
Door_Open_02.wav by skyumori (as skyumori)
Door_Close_Long_Squeak_02.wav by skyumori (as skyumori)
creak.door.wav by UncleSigmund (as UncleSigmund)
Creak_7.wav by Herbert Boland (as HerbertBoland)
Creak_8.wav by Herbert Boland (as HerbertBoland)
Creak_9.wav by Herbert Boland (as HerbertBoland)
lock:unlock.wav by Caitlin Magarity (as cemagar)
Lock.wav by jfajner (as jfajner)
locking a door_01.wav by Dymewiz (as Dymewiz)
locking a door_03.wav by Dymewiz (as Dymewiz)
locking a door_02.wav by Dymewiz (as Dymewiz)
Door_Close_Squak_03.wav by skyumori (as skyumori)
dorm door close.wav by pagancow (as pagancow)
Door close.wav by soundmary (as soundmary)
porta_abrindo_3.wav by Gabi Saraceni (as gabisaraceni)
porta_abrindo_5.wav by Gabi Saraceni (as gabisaraceni)
porta_abrindo_1.wav by Gabi Saraceni (as gabisaraceni)
Porte open close.wav by Ludovic Kierasinski (as Slanesh)
porte.wav by Ludovic Kierasinski (as Slanesh)
dorm door opening.wav by pagancow (as pagancow)
paper_debris.wav by themfish (as themfish)
gas cooker.wav by ancorapazzo (as ancorapazzo)
Gas wird angezündet by Michael Wirth (as mwirth)
door knock.wav by XxBirdoxX (as XxBirdoxX)
Explosion by Iwan Gabovitch (as qubodup)
Gravel Impacts and Falls.wav by lolamadeus (as lolamadeus)
fuse_burning_48khz.wav by elonen (as elonen)
Rubble 020.wav by Dan Oberbauer (as DJ Chronos)
Rubble 015.wav by Dan Oberbauer (as DJ Chronos)
genickbruch.wav by huluvu42 (as huluvu42)
CringeScare.wav by Jacob Ryle (as TheGoliath)
stonebreak02.WAV by WIM (as WIM)
Punch_1-2.wav by Taylor Young (as [email protected])
punch.wav by Ekokubza123 (as Ekokubza123)
DOOR HANDLE JIGGLE.wav by Kyle1Katarn (as Kyle1Katarn)
Door-Handle-Jiggle-01.wav by D. W. O'Boyle (as D W)
scream_02.flac by Cedrik Fermont (as cdrk)
crunching scraping.wav by keweldog (as keweldog)
bubbling02.wav by MattJ99 (as MattJ99)
splats.wav by Richard Frohlich (as FreqMan)
laser zap 2.wav by André Oñate (as AndreOnate)
Fire Magic Spell Sound Effect by Iwan Gabovitch (as qubodup)
Female Scream by José Tomé (as Efecto Fundador)
Child's scream 8 by J. Zazvurek (as J.Zazvurek)
catscreech.wav by Hamface (as Hamface)
METAL Screech by Gene Lythgow (as genelythgow)
Metallic Screech.wav by astronaut_13579 (as astronaut_13579)
Bomb - Small by Zangrutz (as Zangrutz)
357Mag.wav by Jon285 (as Jon285)
Gunts.wav by Ben Anderson (as bennychico11)
Plors.mp3 by Aurinko2222 (as Aurinko2222)
pain-male4.ogg by Erdie (as Erdie)
rock lands on metal.aiff by SoundCollectah (as SoundCollectah)
splat.wav by zolopher (as zolopher)
Chattering in a restaurant by Joshun (as Joshun)
animals_dog_bark_springer_spaniel_001.wav by soundscalpel.com
fire at a picnic.wav by Satoration (as Satoration)
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



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In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by lights out party.