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The Secret of Monkey Island

aka: El secreto de Monkey Island, Le Secret de L'Ile aux Singes, MI1, Monkey Island 1, Mutiny on Monkey Island, TSOMI, The Secret of Monkey Island: A Graphic Adventure By Ron Gilbert
Moby ID: 616

There are a thousand pirate stories in the naked city. Guybrush Threepwood lives them all as he becomes a full-fledged, full-bearded, lightfingered, swashbuckling, grog-swilling pirate!


Unknown Source


Lucasfilm Games' swashbuckling new graphic adventure lets you trade insults with some of the saltiest seamen to ever sail the seven seas.

In The Secret of Monkey Island, you'll sling one-liners with a fast-talking used ship salesman, a sarcastic swordmaster, a wisecracking corpse, and a prisoner whose breath would stop a horse. You'll also hunt for buried treasure, chase after a beautiful woman, and - perhaps - unravel one of the twistiest plots in the history of adventure gaming.

You're short, broke, clueless and friendless.

And you're just arrived on Mêlée Island seeking fame and fortune. Explaining to anyone who'll listen that you want to be a pirate.

Being the easy-going types they are, your new pirate pals invite you into the club. Just as soon as you've completed three tiny trials.

Among other things, you'll need to sedate some piranha poodles, burglarize the governor's mansion, and do business with the scum of the earth. And if that's not enough, you'll have to figure out whether the 300-pound voodoo priestess covets your rubber chicken, fetid fish, pack of breath mints, or...

If the brigands don't grab you, the graphics will.

Lucasfilm Games set today's graphic standards with games like Loom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Now The Secret of Monkey Island ups the standards a few more notches with stunning 256-color VGA graphics (16-color EGA version also available), proportionally scaled animated characters, and cinematic pans and camera angles.

Our acclaimed point 'n' click interface has been improved even more. So have our sound effects, which are backed by a captivating calypso and reggae music track.

Enter the Monkey Island Treasure Hunt and win a FREE Carnival Caribbean cruise!

If you can solve a few sneaky puzzles in a special demo of The Secrets of Monkey Island, you might just win one of the sweetest prizes since Captain Kidd's treasure chest. A Carnival Cruise for two, one of a hundred AdLib sound cards, or one of hundreds more prizes! You'll find the demo and complete rules in specially-marked boxes of 3M diskettes. Or send a self-addressed, stamped disk mailer to: Monkey Demo, PO Box 10228, San Rafael, CA 94912.

So act fast, think fast, and enter fast. Because while playing The Secret of Monkey Island is an adventure, winning the Treasure Hunt is a real trip.


Advertisement in COMPUTE, December 1990

I cursed my luck again as I slid down the monkey's throat. Have my dreams of guzzling grog and plundering galleons been reduced to this? "Three small trials and you're a pirate like us," they said. Fair enough. If only I could stomach the foul brew these scurvy seadogs swilled, the rest would be easy. How could I have known I'd meet a powerful and beautiful woman with a jealous suitor too stupid to realize he'd been dead for years? And how can I crawl through this great stone monkey to find a man who walks three inches above the ground and sets fire to his beard every morning?* Eye-gouging 3D graphics. * Ear-piercing reggae music. * No typing - point 'n' click interface. * Relentless jabs, and cryptic in-jokes only smart people will understand. * Average playing time: 30 hours.


Do business with quaint and humble shopkeepers.

Participate in complex and meaningful dialogues.

Visit interesting places and steal stuff.

Experience the never-ending nightlife of Melee Island.


Back of Boxes - Amiga, Atari ST, DOS

Ayyyyye Matey!

Welcome t' the Port of Melee, Mr. Guybrush Threepwood. So ya think you've got what it takes t' be a swashbucklin', bloodthirsty pirate like the rest of us, do you? Ya think a young swabby like yourself's gonna be the first t' tame mysterious Monkey Island? Well, laddy, there's more t' bein' a buccaneer than just swinging' a sword and swillin' gallons of Grog. First ya got t' pass the seadog test. Good luck t' ya mate...yar gonna need it.* Countless head-scratching puzzles

  • Easy "point-and-click" interface for total character control

  • Fully interactive cast of characters and personalities

  • Extremely large graphic adventure universe with hundreds of items and locations to examine and explore


As Guybrush Threepwood, you can wander Melee Island - from Lookout Point to Melee Shore - and bribe and barter with all kinds of crafty and thrifty sea dogs.

To reach Monkey Island, you must swindle with the Meleeties - from peg-legged pirates to blimy buccaneers - and gather clues to unlock the puzzles that await you.

Along your quest to become the greatest pirate in history, you must find, gather - even steal - various items in order to reach the famed Monkey Island.

As you plunge deeper into the mysteries of Melee, animated "Cut Scenes" will provide you with insight on the different characters and places you'll encounter.

Melee Island is filled with exciting pirate adventures - join the Fettuccini Bros. circus and earn your pieces of eight as a human cannon ball.

Buck up your swashbuckling skills with a lesson from the sword master - for a small fee you can learn all the secrets of the blade, and a few good one-liners.


Back of Box - Sega CD (US)

Monkey Island

Ich verfluchte nochmals mein Schicksal, als ich mich in die Kehle des steinernen Affen hinabließ. Sind meine Träume vom Plündern reicher Galeonen, von Schätzen und Abenteuern derart zerplatzt? 'Drei kleine Prüfungen, dann gehörst du zu uns!' haben sie gesagt. Das klang fair. Wenn ich nur dieses seltsame Zeug runterkriegen würde, das diese Männer der See in sich hineinschütten. Wie konnte ich denn ahnen, daß ich eine mächtige und schöne Frau treffen würde, mit einem Geliebten, der vor lauter Eifersucht nicht bemerkt, daß er schon mehrere Jahre tot ist? Und jetzt krabble ich durch die Eingeweide des steinernen Affen, auf der Suche nach einem Mann, der drei Zentimeter über dem Boden schwebt und jeden Morgen seinen Bart anzündet ...

Auszug aus den Memoiren von Guybrush Threepwood, "Meine Jahre auf Monkey Island"

  • Das witzigste und spannendste Adventure diesseits der Karibik!
  • Neuartige 3D-Grafik in bis zu 256 Farben!
  • Kein Eintippen mehr - mit der Maus anklicken genügt!
  • Komplexe Puzzles halten auch den Profi wochenlang in Atem!
  • Alles in Deutsch: Handbuch und die Texte auf dem Bildschirm!

"Mit Monkey Island hat sich Lucasfilm förmlich selbst übertroffen; es ist noch humorvoller und wesentlich komplexer als seine Vorgänger." Amiga Joker 6/91


Back of Box (TOPSHOTS Deluxe) - DOS (DE)

The Secret ofMonkey Island


Guybrush Threepwoods's travels hove led him to Melee Island in a quest to fulfil his life's ambition...to become a fierce, swashbuckling, blood thirsty Pirate! Help Guybrush realize his dream in this hilarious and complex graphic adventure.

■ Features a wide variety of original entertaining puzzles - unravel hidden meanings in hilarious repartee.

■ Cinematic storytelling, high resolution graphics and special animation.

■ Proportional scrolling in character animation and camera angles.

■ Point'n' click interface.

"A total entertainment package, relaxed, funny and fresh" Amiga Format 92%

"An utterly absorbing game!" C&VG 94% (PC). "Show stopping games are few and far between.. Monkey Island is definitely one of them" ST Format 94%


Back of Box (1988 release) - Kixx XL (UK)

Contributed by Belboz, jean-louis, IJan, Jeanne.

Know of a missing ad blurb? Contribute.