Ys: title
Ys: intro
Ys: the Darm Tower
Ys: note the completely new portraits in this version
Ys: starting in Shanghai... or something very similar
Ys: Bartender! Gimme... hic!!.. a mug o' beer!!..
Ys: Bumping attack animation in progress. New enemies
Ys: Dialogue with an important quest-giving character
Ys: Buying weapons
Ys: You can walk into the shops now
Ys: Equipment screen
Ys: familiar enemies near Minea town
Ys: the people in this village like vegetables
Ys: shrine entrance, fearsome enemies
Ys: lovely view
Ys: a mysterious cave behind Thieves' Den
Ys: hmm... so which statue is the right one?
Ys 2: Title
Ys 2: Intro
Ys 2: Impressive view
Ys 2: I'm a-okay, babe. It's jusss a... hic!!.. li'l hangover
Ys 2: Hero in bed - standard situation
Ys 2: Dialogue options! Oh my!
Ys 2: Lovely indoor graphics
Ys 2: The first town
Ys 2: Blacksmith
Ys 2: Ruins. Green and red guys attack
Ys 2: Underground passage. Scorpions
Ys 2: Whatever ya say, chief
Ys 2: Purple mines
Ys I Configuration Tool. Yes, Feena is part of this program. Yes, she is just there to look pretty.
Ys II Configuration Tool. Yes, Lilia is part of this program. Yes, she is just there to look pretty.
In-game Display Settings including a toggle to use the character artworks of the Complete (and Eternal) version.
Are we missing some important screenshots? Contribute.