The game starts with a short sequence from the TV show. It runs in a small window and has the theme song.
The main game window. Moving the mouse pointer over a hot spot brings up a description and clicking a hotspot launches the game
The 'Looking After Jess' game. The player monitors Jess' happiness, thirst and hunger levels and either plays with Jess or restocks the bowls accordingly
Each mini game has some simple instructions
Typical cat! Jess is thirsty and hungry but instead of eating & drinking Jess goes out through the cat flap for a wander.
This is the result of six minutes of feeding Jess, if all goes well.
When the player returns from a game to the main menu the transition occurs as Pat drives across the screen
This is the help screen of the Memory Game.
The memory game in progress. This is level one and one of the characters can be seen hopping up and down.
The Memory Game, level two. There's an extra character here.
The Memory Game, level three. There's four characters here.
The Pairs Game used any of these three character sets. It is the only one/two player game.
This is level one of the Pairs Game. It is using the simplest card set
Level one again but here it's using the Hats card set
This is a level two game being played with the 'Dance Moves' card set.
The start of level one of the Making Parcels game. There's only one machine because the player has to produce a parcel that matches on colour alone.
One of the help text screens explaining the Making Parcels game
The Making Parcels game, level two. here a plain parcel has been loaded into the first machine and the correct pattern has been selected.
Level two of the Making Parcels game. The patterned parcel has been coloured in the second machine. Now it has to be loaded onto the right shelf.
The Exit screen. There is no progress report and no score table.
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