Wing Commander: Privateer
DOS version
Over all the game rocks
The Good
I like the way that you did not have to stay within the story line, you can go off and just have fun with the game, and when you got into the story line it was very nice and fun to see what you would come up to next..
The only prob. that I had with the game was at the end, I realy could not make it no matter what I did, so as for the ending I do not know what happens.
Overall I wish that they would make games like this a lot more Privateer2 was not even close to privteer in my book, but it was ok in the long run..
The Bad
The bloody ending, could not get through it, even in god mode I could not..
that is all that I found that I did not like about the game..
The only prob that I have with it at this time is that I can not get it to run with my win.98se, I cannot get the dos config right.. I am not a programer...
The Bottom Line
Over all I have been playing a lot of games all the way back from the old com.64 to the ne stuff, and I have found that This game is one of the top 5 games that I would like to play more then most, even some of the new stuff like Half-Life..
by Lord Dragon (2) on October 29, 2001