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Fisher-Price Big Action Construction

Moby ID: 61085

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Before the game loads the player may see this warning
The title screen
When starting the game for the first time the player must create/use a player id
Every time the game is played there's a message saying 'Frank the foreman takes safety seriously. Print a helmet to wear while playing'. Good idea if you have shares in the company making yellow ink
This is Frank the foreman saying hello. In the animated introduction he takes the player inside his cabin to explain the game controls
Inside Frank's cabin there are several hot-spots. The calendar shows the credits, the speaker controls volume, the desk diary shows cards earned and the time clock quits
This screen shows the available activities. From here the player can look at a certificate and add their construction cards to it.
Adding a constructor card to a certificate
The activity selection screen. The activity name is shown and spoken as the mouse passes over a hot-spot
Each activity introduces a new character who explains the controls and objectives
The Crane: here the player uses the controls to pick up the items shown in the bar across the bottom of the screen and drop them into a chute
Wrecking Ball: The mouse is used to aim the ball and demolish the building
There are two modes to the Build It game. 'Follow A Blueprint' is the mode that earns construction cards
These are the blueprints available in 'Follow A Blueprint' mode
'Follow A Blueprint' mode: The first phase in building the space station is to use the dozer to clear the site, the back hoe to dig a hole and the cement truck to pour the foundation.
'Follow A Blueprint': The second phase in building a space station is to drag-and-drop rivets into the framework then hammer them home
'Follow A Blueprint': The final stage in building the space station is to drag-and-drop shapes into the structure, repeated clicks on a shape change its colour.
When a structure is complete the player can adorn it with additional shapes. There is a limit to the number of bits that can be placed but, as this shot shows, quite a lot can be added
Lunch Break: These are the characters the player can 'speak' to. In the background is the lunch truck game
The Lunch Wagon: The player clicks to add new ingredients to their sandwich before clicking on NEW to earn a construction card and start another.
Here the player places dynamite at random places around the quarry and detonates them, the object is to find an item, shown on the clipboard, buried in the rock
Dump Truck: One of the activities is to put air into the tire until the numbers on the gauge match the specified pressure
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