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Windows screenshots
Main menu
Nanosuit showroom.. suit abilities described here
Tutorial Mission to learn basic nanosiut functions, and of course shooting
Welcome to the Jungle, calm before storm
This game is a Beauty & a Beast.. It demands a powerful PC
Next Gen graphics for now
Not the Psycho we used to know.. Dude's looks like some company's CEO
Mission briefings are done during load time
Approaching a park.. or what's left of it
Visor.. You will use it more often than you would've imagined.. Hacking mine in this case
a disabled Ceph Pinger.. was a tough foe in Crysis 2
Approaching a Checkpoint
You can skip cutscenes at any time.. but not if they look this good
Need to go through the bush ahead undetected
Abandoned Train compartments.. camo activated, good ability but drains your energy
Intel center.. Claire is in command
Bow & Arrow.. a splendid addition to prophet's Arsenal
Daamn!!.. I mean a dam
Building's in unstable condition
Direct X 11 at work here
Internal lighting is just as good as outside
Ammo crates. You will run out of bullet at some point
Heli dropping foes
Choosing arrows.. the explosive is particularly effective
Thread indicator becomes red when detected..
tagging enemies with visor... really helpful
faithful scar..
hiding in the dark
New York .. post apocalyptic
Good old grabbing
Desolated eye candy
Patrolling C.E.L.L. units.. although Aliens are the real thread
Deadly CELL searchlight
I bet they had seafood here
Weapon customization.. something Crytek should be proud of
When shit goes south.. point your weapon north
An apocalyptic New York, as creepy as it gets.
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