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Zool 2

Moby ID: 5945

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Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 83% (based on 26 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 4.2 out of 5 (based on 14 ratings with 1 reviews)

A big improvement on the original

The Good
There's a lot of variety in the graphics, with the levels retaining a sense of realism and steering clear of most of the clichéd level settings. Zool and Zooz move quickly and responsively, with the ability to scale walls being a big improvement, and the neat feature of the route through the levels slightly altering depending on your character selection.

The level design is good, with consistant logic, thoughtfully-placed baddies and bonuses, and not too many of those irritating sections of progressing vertically across small platforms, meaning that one slip sends you back a long way

The music is pleasant, but the sound effects are probably a better option.

The range of secret areas and rooms is massive, giving you real impetus to explore. The bonus Breakout game featuring the two-headed dog is a nice touch.

The Bad
The lack of support for 2-button controllers is one problem that should've been rectified, especially as the game was intended at taking on the consoles.

The target as to how much of the fruit you had to collect didn't seem to work well - it appeared to be percentage-based, but you actually reached the 99% point with loads left on the level.

The Bottom Line
An exciting arcade platform game, likely to take a while to complete, equally suited to young and old players, and less tainted by marketing and product placement than the original.

Amiga · by Martin Smith (81712) · 2004

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Tim Janssen, Martin Smith, Alsy, Patrick Bregger, Parf.