Title screen
The possessioners have superb weapons
This is Alice, the main heroine
Talking to a team member / best friend / occasional lesbian lover
Meet the rest of the crew
Main room
A Possessioner attacks the city!
To infinity and beyond!..
The first Possessioner battle
Each Possessioner battle ends with semi-interactive sex
Advanced stage of the first Possessioner seduction
Base corridor
Lower crew members
Entrance area
Recreation room
Shower room
This shower scene...
...turns into a lesbian seduction scene
More advanced sexual options
Don't use your imagination
Doctor's office
Viewing the list of Possessioners
Fancy area of the city
Shopping district
Clothes shop run by a gay dude
Old City
Slums district
Abandoned building
Navigation options
There she is!
Another Possessioner fight
Indian seduction, Part 1
Indian seduction, Part 2
Explore every location and you might see such stuff...
...which quickly becomes full-screen
Robotic shop
You have to bang the doctor to get teh parts you need
Purple battle!
Another Possessioner, another lesbian sex scene... that's pretty much the whole game
Are we missing some important screenshots? Contribute.