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Harley-Davidson: Race Across America

Moby ID: 5729

Windows credits (1999)

17 people

G2M Games

Executive Producer Steve Foust

Canopy Games

Producers David Weiberg, Michael Berglund
Code Joshua Ritter
Lead Artists Shane Lefler, Todd Wahoske
Technical Artist Aaron Smischney
Research Melania Fackelman
Administration Dean Ahmed
Technical Consultant Sonny Sleyster


Sr. Product Manager Peter Armstrong
Product Manager Chris Boxmeyer
Boy Wonder Steven Charbonneau
Marketing Manager Jeffrey Sehring
Box Design Art Director Robert J. Bussey
Music Sierra Pelona Music
Composer Eric Swanson
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by blakegriplingph.