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Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex

aka: CB: WoC, Crash Bandicoot 4: Sakuretsu! Majin Power, Crash Bandicoot: De Wraak van Cortex, Crash Bandicoot: Der Zorn des Cortex, Crash Bandicoot: L'Ira di Cortex, Crash Bandicoot: La Venganza de Cortex, Crash Bandicoot: La Vengeance de Cortex

Xbox version

Not as lackluster as everyone says it is!!!!

The Good
The thing is, Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex is almost exactly like the last 3 games in the series. This is why it got the average reviews, but this is how a Crash game should play in my view. Crash Twinsanity was OKAY, at best. The newest games in the series are awful. Curse you Sierra! The graphics are pretty good for this generation of systems. It is also Crash's XBOX and GAMECUBE debut and it was a great start. This game has the best character look in the series. The story is typical for a Crash game. Dr. Cortex wants to take over the world but Crash, Coco, and Aku Aku have to stop him. This is also the first game that Crunch was in. The music is the best soundtrack in the whole series. It seems that Travellers Tales always makes good music. (Sonic R, Sonic 3D Blast, Crash Twinsanity all have great music) Also, the XBOX and GAMECUBE version of this game have WAY shorter load times then in the PS2 version. Big improvement.

The Bad
This was the first Crash game developed by a studio other then Naughty Dog, the mother of Crash. I think ND could've done a slightly better job with this game. This game was made by Travellers Tales. However, it was published by Universal Interactive, the publishers of the other Crash games before this one.

The Bottom Line
If you love Crash Bandicoot like I do, BUY THIS GAME NOW!! You will pay only a few bucks for it and it's worth every penny. Get it on XBOX or PS2.

 Weston- Age 12

by Weston Sharpensteen (13) on April 13, 2012

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