Luigi's Mansion
Description official descriptions
Luigi's Mansion pits you as Luigi, Mario's forgotten brother.
Luigi, while checking his mail, found out he won a mansion in a contest. What's weird, is he never entered any contest to begin with. Being the curious person he is, he calls up his brother, Mario, and asks to meet him at the house.
Luigi sets forth through a dark and scary jungle to find the house, but sees that Mario is nowhere to be found. Puzzled, Luigi enters the mansion, only to encounter ghosts. He meets up with a scientist, Professor E. Gadd, who explains the situation and hands over the Poltergust 3000. Luigi must now make his way through the mansion's many rooms, sucking up as many ghosts as he can.
As you explore, you must solve mysteries, collect cash/gems/jewels/coins, and encounter boss characters. Luigi's vacuum has the ability to suck up ghosts that have inhabited this strange mansion. However, the ghosts will not give up so easily. You must struggle with them and pull them back to catch your prey with your trusty vacuum. As you continue to your goal, you must face off with the deceased denizens of the house and the boos that haunt it, and unlock new rooms with the keys you find along the way. You can also gain special abilities for your vacuum, such as the ability to shoot fire, water, or ice. Remember though, treasure is scattered everywhere. Check all the objects for coins and paper money, and who knows, you may just make enough money for Luigi to buy a mansion of his own...
As you explore the strange mansion, the plot slowly unravels and it becomes apparent that something more sinister is going on in that haunted house. Will you ever see your lost brother Mario again?
The 3DS version has some difference from the Gamecube original. Changes include coins lasting longer before disappearing after being hit, the addition of local co-op with another player being able to control a character named Gooigi, a new control option that allows the use of the Strobulb flashlight from Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon , an achievement list, and a boss rush mode, among other tweaks. The 3DS version Hidden Mansion follows the adjustments made in the Gamecube's PAL version
- ルイージマンション - Japanese spelling
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Credits (GameCube version)
93 People (92 developers, 1 thanks) · View all
Executive Producer | |
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Design Director | |
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Map Design | |
Character Design | |
Screen Design | |
Effect Design | |
Main Program | |
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[ full credits ] |
Average score: 80% (based on 63 ratings)
Average score: 3.9 out of 5 (based on 90 ratings with 7 reviews)
Green is the style in mushroom land.
The Good
Even though I may be quoting many other people when I say this I think it is good to see that Luigi had finally got his own game, even though the game seems to like pointing out how much of a wimp he is.
I liked the way that Luigi can react with the rooms he enter after he clears all the ghosts so even though the lights are on and there are no enemies left in the room there still may be some secrets Luigi will be able to find before he moves on.
The idea of the vacuum cleaner or poltergust 4000 was a imaginative idea and a good one, a good way for the programmers to be able to hide things on top of shelves and such.
The Bad
It was WAY WAY WAY to short. I guess it is a bit unfair saying that because I had just finished playing FFX and I was foolishly expecting at least 15-20 hours gameplay, but sadly my fun was stopped dead in its tracks at a poor 6 hours.
And they could have at least tried a bit harder on the secret mansion at least try to put new things in so it doesn't pretty much seem to be the same game over again.
The Bottom Line
An amusing game for someone who is looking for a little bit of entertainment. But don't expect a big unfolding story because you wont get one.
GameCube · by Horny-Bullant (49) · 2004
A beautiful, humorous twist on the traditional Mario formula...while it lasts
The Good
--> A good launch title for the Gamecube, good graphics overall with stunning lighting effects.
--> Music is appropriately creepy and dynamic. Sound effects are good as well.
--> Humorous story and ghosts, it's very entertaining watching the cowardly Luigi's reaction to the events unfolding around him.
--> Fun action-adventure gameplay
--> It's fairly cheap now, at $20 or under. A good title for the budget-minded gamer looking to expand their GC library.
The Bad
--> It's pretty short, an experienced gamer can get through the game in under 10 hours, though you may want to play through the game a few times to obtain the best ranking.
--> While a decent challenge, even the most casual gamers should have little problems with this game once adjusted to the Resident Evil-esque control scheme
--> The final boss, while cool, wasn't quite as challenging as a final boss should be.
The Bottom Line
After years of playing second banana to Mario, it's finally Luigi's turn in the limelight. After receiving a notice that he has won his own mansion, Luigi excitedly calls his brother to tell him the good news. While trying to find his way to his new mansion, Luigi becomes lost in a strange wood. Soon he happens upon his mansion, and discovers it wasn't exactly what he bargained for, it's infested with ghosts! Worse yet, they have kidnapped his brother Mario! Luigi talks to Professor E.Gadd and is equipped with the professor's invention: a vacuum equipped to suck and contain ghosts. Slowly he proceeds into the mansion to rid the infestation, and save his brother...
Gameplay consists of proceeding through the halls of the mansion, sucking up low-level ghosts, and invading the haunts of the tougher portrait ghosts, exploiting their weaknesses (found by gazing at their heart) and sucking them up to gain access to locked doors, eventually leading you to a boss ghost for the area.
The analog control stick is used to control Luigi, the C-stick is used to aim the vacuum or flashlight(used to freeze ghosts), the Right and Left triggers are used to suck up ghosts and expel elements (fire, water, ice).
The graphics are very nice with detailed textures, cool lighting and reflections, and detailed models. The coolest effect in the game is how the objects in the environment react to your vacuum, such as sucking the tablecloth off of a table, open curtains, or having to suck piles of dust to clear a path. The animation of Luigi and the ghosts is very fluid and often humorous. Every type of ghost has a unique personality, some like to sneak up on you, some are found of throwing bombs, and some just like to be gluttons, leaving the remnants of food behind. Each portrait ghost has a unique personality as well, from the musician to the couple dancing on the rotating dance floor. While not a system showcase to the degree of say Metroid Prime, this title is still a decent representative of the Gamecube's power.
The music is spooky, atmospheric and often funny. It's nothing to write home about, but still, very nice. Sound effects, from Luigi's calls to Mario, to the clink of coins and the yelp of a startled ghost are are well done and appropriately cartooney.
With a few improvements, primarily the length of the game, this game could have gone from good to outstanding. As it stands, however, I recommend this title to any Gamecube owner looking for a good adventure game, or a unique gameplay experience. Now that the game is selling for $20 and under, there is no reason you shouldn't pick it up. A very entertaining game, while it lasts.
GameCube · by Ryu (50) · 2004
The Good
Luigi's Mansion mixes Ghostbusters with the green goofball himself, Luigi. Does it work? Despite the ridiculous concept, yes it does!
What the game is basically about is you win a mansion from a contest you didn't even inter. Strange, huh? To make matters worse, Mario went there to check it out and has gone missing! Again!!! But this time, it's fun!
What makes it a fun game? If it were a boring game, I wouldn't be typin' here disscusin' it with ya, now would I!?!? ...But seriously, what you do is you suck up ghosts... Ghostbusters style. Well, only not as dangerous and literately sucking them up... WITH A VACUUM!!!
The story, while I said it was ridiculous, doesn't mean it's bad. Ridiculous can be good. This is one of those cases. After all, it is refreshing to have something different from the usual save the Pea- I mean Princess formula, right?
The music, while not to much of it, is very enjoyable. It's not the best, but it's still good. I like the fact that in lighted rooms, Luigi whistles the theme, while in dark rooms, he hums it. What I like even more is that the weaker he is, the more frail he sounds. But probably the best part of the sound department is when you press A when not against a wall, he yells "Mario!". The funniest one he does is the one where he goes "MAAAAARIOOOOOO!!!". I crack up every time I hear that.
The graphics are surprisingly good, especially for an early GC game. The models look good, if not to terribly detailed. The art in the art gallery kind of sucks, though.
The Bad
It can sometimes be irritating to scare and suck up ghosts. ESPECIALLY the rare light blue ones. You have to get them juuussst right or... poof. Gone forEVER! And... that's about it.
The Bottom Line
If you like Luigi, you should definitely buy this. Even if you don't, consider it. It is a very fun, if not sometimes irritating, game.
PS: If you play it at midnight in the dark, I think you could actually get scared!
GameCube · by Deleted (196) · 2010
1001 Video Games
Luigi's Mansion appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.
Hidden Mansion
The Hidden Mansion mode was adjusted in the PAL releases of the game. The main difference is that the mansion is mirrored in the PAL releases but keeps its original orientation in the NTSC releases. Other notable differences include: * Ghosts from later in the game will appear earlier in the PAL hidden mansion, but will not do so in the NTSC hidden mansion * Boos are more agile and have higher HP in the PAL hidden mansion * 45 boos are required to reach the final room of the game in the PAL hidden mansion, as opposed to 40 in the NTSC hidden mansion (and, by extension, the normal game mode)
Many features of the PAL hidden mansion would later make their way to all hidden mansions in the 3DS remaster.
Launch game
Luigi's Mansion was not only a launch GameCube game, but the first GameCube game ever shown. On August 24, 2000, when Nintendo showed the first demo reel for their new system, Luigi was the first thing shown. At the time he was without his backpack and it wasn't announced as an actual game, though, with popular conjecture being it was part of the newest Mario platformer.
Lighting Glitch
There is a lighting glitch in the game that occurs in the telephone room which appears to make Luigi's shadow look as if it were hanging itself.
Shortly after the game's release, Nintendo was sued by the production company of Ghostbusters, claiming that using a vacuum to suck up ghosts infringed on the movie. The case was dropped.
Other regional differences
- Luigi makes a different damage noise in the Japanese version of the game compared to international versions
- The Japanese version uses the same music for catching standard ghosts when catching portrait ghosts, whilst international releases have a new track created for this
- In the Japanese version some audio sequences suffer from delays, and overs don't play at all
- In the Japanese version the music tempo randomly speeds up at times, suggesting it might not be locked to the game's framerate
- The Pikmin trailer is absent in the Japanese version
Information also contributed by JPaterson and Thomas Dowding.
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by JPaterson.
Nintendo 3DS added by Rik Hideto.
Additional contributors: Joshua J. Slone, gamewarrior, Grandy02, FatherJack, Deleted.
Game added January 9, 2002. Last modified March 8, 2025.