Theme Aquarium
Moby ID: 54661
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PlayStation credits (1998)
9 people
Theme Aquarium Production Staff (テーマ アクアリウム制作スタッフ) |
Producer (プロデューサー) | Tomohiro Shibuya (渋谷 知広) |
Assistant Producer (アシスタントプロデューサー) | Shin Tanaka (田中 伸) |
QA | Takashi Iwama (岩間 尚志) |
Product Marketing (プロダクトマーケティング) | Yoshihisa Tsuji (辻 良尚), Yoshihiro Nagai (永井 宜弘) |
Art Direction (アートディレクシヨン) | Ichiro Watanabe (渡辺 一郎) |
Writer (ライター) | Ryūtarō Hayase (早瀬 竜太郎) |
Logotype / Package Design (ロゴタイプ・パッケージデザイン) | Zest Co. Ltd. [(株)ゼスト] |
Executive Producer (エグゼクティブプロデューサー) | Bullfrog Productions Ltd. |
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.
People credited on this game were also credited on:
- Shin Theme Park, a group of 5 people
- Rabbit, a group of 4 people
- Fighting Force, a group of 4 people
- Tactical Soccer, a group of 3 people
- PGA Tour Golf II, a group of 3 people
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Other Games
In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:
- Yoshihisa Tsuji on 135 other games
- Takashi Iwama on 49 other games
- Ryūtarō Hayase on 28 other games
- Shin Tanaka on 17 other games
- Tomohiro Shibuya on 9 other games
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Credits contributed by Infernos.