
aka: Theme Aquarium
Moby ID: 54661

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PlayStation credits (1998)

9 people

Theme Aquarium Production Staff (テーマ アクアリウム制作スタッフ)

Producer (プロデューサー) Tomohiro Shibuya (渋谷 知広)
Assistant Producer (アシスタントプロデューサー) Shin Tanaka (田中 伸)
QA Takashi Iwama (岩間 尚志)
Product Marketing (プロダクトマーケティング) Yoshihisa Tsuji (辻 良尚), Yoshihiro Nagai (永井 宜弘)
Art Direction (アートディレクシヨン) Ichiro Watanabe (渡辺 一郎)
Writer (ライター) Ryūtarō Hayase (早瀬 竜太郎)
Logotype / Package Design (ロゴタイプ・パッケージデザイン) Zest Co. Ltd. [(株)ゼスト]
Executive Producer (エグゼクティブプロデューサー) Bullfrog Productions Ltd.
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In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Infernos.