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Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor

aka: Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor - An Interactive Fantasy
Moby ID: 54

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Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 84% (based on 13 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.3 out of 5 (based on 56 ratings with 4 reviews)

A truly great game from one of the masters of interactive fiction

The Good
Back in the '80's, I used to worship at the throne of Brian Moriarty the way kids today worship at the throne of Sid Meier or the Blizzard gang, and this game is one of the reasons why. Forget all the "innovative" stuff like the automap and the (basically inconsequential) RPG elements in the game; Beyond Zork is essentially about two things: great writing and great puzzles. First, the writing.

As anyone who has actually tried it knows, it's very difficult to write good descriptive prose for text adventures (especially back in the day when the whole game had to fit into 256K of memory). A lot of information needs to be conveyed as concisely as possible, and with an artistic flair that makes it an enjoyable read for the player. It may sound easy to do in theory, but it's devilishly hard to bring off successfully in practice, even for talented and accomplished writers. Yet Brian Moriarty makes it all seem so easy. Witness the opening room description from Beyond Zork:

Hilltop: The horizon is lost in the glare of morning upon the Great Sea. You shield your eyes to sweep the shore below, where a village lies nestled beside a quiet cove. A stunted oak tree shades the inland road.

Now, compare that to the usual kind of schlock we get in text adventures:

Hilltop: You look across the valley and see a village sitting on the shore of the Great Sea. There's an oak tree next to the road.

'Nuff said. I'll only add that while many text adventure fans feel that Brian's best writing was done in Trinity (which I certainly loved as well), the prose in Beyond Zork is every bit its equal in my book, and this game is worth playing if for no other reason than to experience it and savor it.

But there's another reason to play as well: the puzzles. As in so many of the Infocom fantasy games, Beyond Zork's puzzles are often satirical takes on everyday themes and cliches, or reference jokes and in-jokes between the author and his audience. This is not only what makes them so much fun to solve, but this familiarity also gives the player some built-in clues as to how he might actually go about approaching them. That's not to say that they're easy--not by any means. Beyond Zork sports some of the hardest puzzles in the whole Infocom repertoire. But they're not obscure or unfair puzzles, either, and that's what ultimately makes them so satisfying when you do finally crack them. There are also quite a lot. This game is pretty long, and it has a lot of content.

The Bad
If you don't like puzzles, you probably won't like Beyond Zork. Just a warning up front. It's a lot like Spellbreaker in that regard. Also, it's possible to get the game into an unwinnable state and not realize it, which is a major strike against it. It's one thing to get a game into an unwinnable state, but to struggle with one for days on end only to find out from some third party that you've been trying to go up a dead-end alley is unacceptable. Still, this game was made in the days before it was set in stone that games just couldn't do that, so I tend to cut it some slack in that regard. But be forewarned anyway. If you get stuck to the point where you think you've tried everything, you just might have.

The Bottom Line
Beyond Zork is one of the best text adventures of all time by one of the few true masters of the genre. It features outstanding writing, clever puzzles, zany, off-kilter humor, and tons of atmosphere. If you liked Spellbreaker and/or Trinity, then it's a fair bet you'll like Beyond Zork too.

DOS · by Jim Newland (56) · 2001

Good D&D game

The Good
The map graphics were new and good. Show all possible exits except closed doors a great leap forward from text only and the status line. Magic was fun. Find potions or buy them to increase your abilities. Shops sell magic and weapons. Experience, Strength, Luck, Compassion, Fighting... was good. Lots of creatures to fight. Winning increases your Experience, Strength - lose and you die. You need to find weapons too. The are also other ways to increase your other abilities.

The Bad
The puzzles were too difficult.

The Bottom Line
One of Infocoms and Interactive fictions best games.

DOS · by David Ledgard (58) · 2005

A good IF/RPG hybrid, though not as much of a "Zork" experience as the trilogy.

The Good
Random layout of rooms and objects each time the game starts up -- so no game is ever quite the same. I also liked the character design feature, since some puzzles are easier to solve with certain stats. Also has a great storyline that ties in quite well with the printed manual (worth a read!).

The Bad
Very easy to get to an un-winable state. Save early, save often.

The Bottom Line
The next step up from the traditional "Zork" experience. For a more traditional approach to IF, stick with the earlier Infocom titles. However, it is fun and does have lots of customizable features (map, colors, display modification, etc...). A great game overall.

DOS · by Mirrorshades2k (274) · 2000

Great blend of classic text adventure with mouse navigation

The Good
The mapping feature and the mouse control added to the Zork experience.

The Bad
It's a great game. A little harder than usual but that isn't always a bad thing.

The Bottom Line
Great way to experience the old school text adventure.

DOS · by gametrader (208) · 2000

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by mo , FatherJack, Jo ST, S Olafsson, Dietmar Uschkoreit, Игги Друге, Scaryfun, Patrick Bregger, Pseudo_Intellectual.