🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Gary Linekers Superskills

aka: Gary Lineker's Super Skills
Moby ID: 53474

[ All ] [ Amstrad CPC ] [ Atari ST ] [ Commodore 64 ] [ ZX Spectrum ]

Tech Specs/Attributes +

Amstrad CPC +

Media Type:
Controller Types Supported:
Multiplayer Options:
Number of Players Supported:

Atari ST +

Business Model:
Minimum RAM Required:
Media Type:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Controller Types Supported:
Multiplayer Options:
Number of Players Supported:

Commodore 64 +

Media Type:
Controller Types Supported:

ZX Spectrum +

Business Model:
Minimum RAM Required:
Media Type:
Joysticks Supported:
Multiplayer Options:
Number of Players Supported:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

Attributes contributed by Patrick Bregger, S Olafsson.