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E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

aka: E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy - Single-Player Edition
Moby ID: 53036

Windows credits (2011)

77 people (24 professional roles, 53 thanks) with 105 credits.

E.Y.E, a Streum on Studio game.

CEO Jonathan Cacherat
Project Director / Project Manager Jonathan Cacherat
Game Designer Jonathan Cacherat
Lead Level Designer Pierrick Le Nestour
Level Scripting Pierrick Le Nestour
Level Designer Romain Barrilliot
Lead Writer Jonathan Cacherat
Writer Romain Barrilliot
Translators Romain Barrilliot, Christophe Longuépée
Composers Olivier Zuccaro, Pierrick Le Nestour
Sound Designers Pierrick Le Nestour, Olivier Zuccaro
Concept Artist Aurélien Hubert
Lead Programmer Jonathan Cacherat
Programmer Mikaël Detalle
Animators Benoit Gornet, Christophe Longuépée
Artists & 3D Artists Christophe Longuépée, Charles Thomas, Benoit Gornet, Pierrick Le Nestour
Particle Artists Pierrick Le Nestour, Jonathan Cacherat
Level Artists Pierrick Le Nestour, Romain Barrilliot
Gui Designers Jonathan Cacherat, Mikaël Detalle
Motion Capture Taupe rouge studio.
Voice Actors Franck Bonnefoy, Pierrick Le Nestour, Victor Tricard, Jonathan Cacherat
PR Olivier Zuccaro, Christophe Longuépée, Pierrick Le Nestour, Jonathan Cacherat
Testers Franck Bonnefoy, Thibault Marais, Benjamin Zysberg, François Yvain, Nicolas Deghilage
OutSourcing Laurent Gillot, Guillaume Martin, Manuel De Almeida, Patrice Mille, Thomas Letscher, Eric Sault, Laure Delage, Amandine Mazo, Victor Tricard
Special Thanks Michal Holubeck, Alexandre Antunes, Jean Charles Rocher, Silver, Blanala, Nicolas Valkenberg, Thibault Le Nestour, Sylvain Le Nestour, Omar Boulon, NoFrag, Laureline Plaisant, Eve Baptista, Josselin Moulay, Nico.G, Luc Leblond, Florent Castelnérac, DotEmu, Kung Lao, Olivier Tréhet, RoboEtron, Binocheum, Steph, Stef Titan, Xavier Niel, La vouivre, Mael Barthelemy, Elodie A., Nicolas Savides, Guy Grenier, Mao, Mike Dunkle, Mike Durand, Gab pour son idée, Sven Smith, Paul Rhodes, La taupe rouge, Necro, Kardhafi, Xorglug 5500, Margaux.E, Anne-Sophie Banach, Solenne D'arnoux De Fleury, Delphine, Florianne, Charlotte, Naima, Our families, Benjamin Goacolou, Amelie Clement, Jêrome.D, Olivier Lejade, Canard PC, FactorNews
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Credits contributed by Koterminus.