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Spider-Man: Mysterio's Menace

aka: Spider-Man: Mysterio no Kyōi, Spiderman: A Ameaça de Mysterio

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Game Boy Advance credits (2001)

111 people (56 professional roles, 55 thanks) with 112 credits.

Vicarious Visions

Producer Jesse Booth
Executive Producers Karthik Bala, Tobi Saulnier
Design Luis Barriga
Programming Dave Jaskolka, Alan Kimball, Jan-Lieuwe Koopmans, Sarika Kumari, Jesse Raymond, Robert Trevellyan
Artwork and Animation Steve Derrick, Jorge Diaz, Robert Gallerani, Jay Young
Music Manfred Linzner
GAX Sound Engine v2.01b (Jun 22 2001) © Shin'en Multimedia, Bernhard Wodok (Code by)
Special Thanks Guha Bala, Theodore Bialek, Andrew Bond, Matthew Conte, Andy Lomerson, Todd Masten, Michelle Pettit, Jonathan Russell, Alex Rybakov, Jackson Weele, Christopher Winters, Activision
No Thanks To Menacing Clowns


Producer Gene Bahng
Associate Producer Brian Pass
Executive Producer Marc Turndorf
V.P. Studio Murali Tegulapalle
Production Coordinator Jay Gordon
Cut Scene Artists Keith Aiken (Lead), Ron Lim (Pencil Artist), Arthur Nichols (Colorist)
Business and Legal Affairs Michael Hand, Michael Larson, Robert Pfau, George Rose
Global Brand Manager John Heinecke
Marketing Associate Matthew Geyer
Publicist Lisa Fields
Vice President, Global Brand Management Tricia Bertero
Special Thanks Chris Archer, Christian D. Astillero, Brian Bright, Bryant Bustamante, Melissa Chapman, Blaine Christine, Brian Clarke, Paula Cuneo, Stacey Ganem, Michael Fletcher, Adam Goldberg, Greg Goldstein, Eric Grossman, Chris Hewish, Joel Jewett, Eric Koch, Talmadge Morning, Peter Muravez, Nita Patel, Jeff Poffenbarger, Jason Potter, Matthew J. Powers, Joseph Shackelford, Michael Stephan, David Stohl, Nicole Willick
Spidey Guru Todd Quincey Jefferson

Activision Quality Assurance

Project Lead Geoffrey Olsen
Senior Project Lead Kragen Lum
QA Console Manager Joseph Favazza
Floor Lead Leonel Zuniga
Testers Alex Epstein, Mark Frank, Halo Mauch, Chris Rosenberger, Jesse Shannon, Daniel Taylor
QA Special Thanks Douglas Adams, Bruce Campbell, Alex Coleman, Benjamin DeGuzman, Nicholas Favazza, Jeremy Gage, Tanya Langston, Nathan Lum, Carlos Monroy, Sam Nouriani, Jason Potter, Eric Rodriguez, Jim Summers, Nadine Theuzillot, Tim Vanlaw, Glenn Vistante, Jason Wong

Activision Customer Support

Customer Support Manager Bob McPherson
Customer Support Leads Gary Bolduc, Michael Hill, Rob Lim

Activision UK

Senior VP European Publishing Scott Dodkins
Head of Publishing Services Nathalie Ranson
Brand Manager - Marvel Alison Mitchell
Localisation Project Managers Simon Dawes, Mark Nutt
Creative Services Manager Jackie Whale
Production Manager Heather Clarke
Production Assistant Victoria Fisher
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MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Rik Hideto, formercontrib, Corn Popper.