Grand Theft Auto III

aka: GTA 3, GTA III, GTA3, GTA: Liberty City, Grand Theft Auto III: 10 Year Anniversary

Liberty City, USA; the worst place in America.

You've been betrayed and left for dead. Now you're taking revenge, unless the city gets you first. Mob bosses need a favor, crooked cops need help and street gangs want you dead. You'll have to rob, steal, and kill just to stay out of serious trouble.

Anything can happen out there.

"Grand Theft Auto 3 expands the very idea of what a game has traditionally been." -

"A mafioso masterpiece." - Maxim


PlayStation 2 (back of US keep case)

Liberty City, USA The worst place in America

You've been betrayed and left for dead. Now you're taking revenge, unless the city gets you first. Mob bosses need a favour, crooked cops need help and street gangs want you dead. You'll have to rob, steal and kill just to stay out of serious trouble.

Anything can happen out there

"Grand Theft Auto 3 in Stunning 3D!" - Official Playstation 2

"The Godfather of crime simulation looks stunning" - P2


From the back of the PAL UK box

The daddy of crime sims is back, and this time it's in full 3D. It may have been years in the making, but Grand Theft Auto 3 is light years ahead of previous GTA games. Set in Liberty City, which is properly corrupt and somewhat safe, there are over 80 gangland missions for you to complete, over two dozen ways to take out your enemy and plenty of vehicles to drive. Guardians of morality beware: Grand Theft Auto is back in town.



Crime does pay. The hugely successful, highly controversial Grand Theft Auto franchise moves into 3 dimensions in the dark and seedy underworld of Liberty City. With the freedom to go anywhere and jack anyone, Grand Theft Auto 3 puts the dark, intriguing and ruthless world of crime at your fingertips, if you have enough guts to take it.


Take 2 Interactive Official Website


Rockstar Games Ships Grand Theft Auto 3 for PC to Retail Stores**

May 20, 2002 - Rockstar Games, the world-renowned publishing division of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), announced today that the PC version of Grand Theft Auto 3 is now available in stores.

Grand Theft Auto 3 received worldwide critical and financial success when it was released for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system last October and quickly became the undisputed number-one selling video game of 2001.

The early word from journalists has been nothing short of outstanding, focusing on the enhanced PC version's features, including improved graphics and sound, additional controls, as well as several brand-new options for players to customize the game.

"With this release, we've been able to take the time to maximize the gaming experience for the PC platform," said Sam Houser, the game's executive producer and president of Rockstar Games. "We are delighted to share the Grand Theft Auto 3 phenomenon with an entirely new audience, as well as the huge numbers of diehard fans who have patiently waited for GTA3 to come out on the PC."

"We were thrilled to add even more features to enhance the PC version of Grand Theft Auto 3," added Les Benzies, the game's producer. "The only way to follow up on the stupendous success of the PlayStation 2 version was to bring even more immersive functionality to an already amazing mind-blowing gaming experience."

About Grand Theft Auto 3

Featuring a fully three-dimensional, living city, a combination of narrative driven and non-linear gameplay and a completely open environment, Grand Theft Auto 3 represents a revolutionary leap forward in interactive entertainment. Players are put at the heart of their very own gangster movie and let loose in a city in which anything can happen...and probably will...

Additional Features of the PC Version of Grand Theft Auto 3 include:

  • Customizable Skin. Players can change the skin of the main player. Will you play as Tony Soprano? As your girlfriend? Now it's up to you.
  • Create Your Own Radio Station. The radio stations in Grand Theft Auto 3 are world-renowned for their quality and sense of humor. Now you can add to the mix with your own MP3's.
  • Replay Saves. Want to see that jump again? Now you can enjoy it over and over with the brand new replay save feature.
  • PC Control Layout. Now that the game is on the PC platform, a new mouse and keyboard control scheme allows targeting-free gameplay. Or attach a PC gamepad and play classic Grand Theft Auto 3.

Since its release in October 2001 on the PlayStation 2, Grand Theft Auto 3 has continued to be a phenomenon gracing the top of the national charts everywhere it has been released. In its first six months in retail, the title has taken the videogame industry by storm. In addition to receiving more than 25 awards, including several "Game of the Year" commendations, Grand Theft Auto 3 has garnered critical acclaim from all corners of the media. From articles in The New York Times, The Associated Press and USA Today to a cover story in SCEA's Official PlayStation Magazine, the press has unanimously praised the game for its technical innovation and groundbreaking design.

For more information about Grand Theft Auto 3 for the PC please visit:

About Take-Two Interactive Software

Headquartered in New York City, Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. is an integrated global developer, marketer, distributor, and publisher of interactive entertainment software games and accessories for the PC, PlayStation®, PlayStation®2, Xbox’, Nintendo Game Boy Color, Nintendo GameCube and Nintendo Game Boy Advance. The Company publishes and develops products through various wholly owned subsidiaries including: Rockstar Games, Rockstar Studios, Gathering of Developers, TalonSoft, Joytech, PopTop, Global Star and under the Take-Two brand name. The Company maintains sales and marketing offices in Cincinnati, New York, Toronto, London, Paris, Munich, Vienna, Copenhagen, Milan, Sydney and Auckland. Take-Two’s common stock is publicly traded on NASDAQ under the symbol TTWO. For more corporate and product information please visit our website at


Press Release - Windows


Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Ships Grand Theft Auto 3 For PlayStation®2**

October 25, 2001 - Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTWO) announced that Grand Theft Auto 3, the highly anticipated action PlayStation®2 game from its Rockstar publishing subsidiary, has been shipped to retailers. Developed by DMA Design Ltd., Take-Two’s development subsidiary, Grand Theft Auto 3 is currently available at stores in North America, and will be in stores in Europe on October 26, 2001.

About Take-Two Interactive Software

Headquartered in New York City, Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. is an integrated global developer, marketer, distributor, and publisher of interactive entertainment software games and accessories for the PC, PlayStation®, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Game Boy Color, Nintendo GAMECUBE, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, PlayStation®2 and the Xbox’. The Company publishes and develops products through various wholly owned subsidiaries including: Rockstar Games, GodGames, TalonSoft, Joytech, DMA Design, PopTop, Global Star and under the Take-Two brand name. The Company maintains sales and marketing offices in Cincinnati, New York, Toronto, London, Paris, Munich, Vienna, Copenhagen, Milan, Sydney and Auckland. Take-Two’s common stock is publicly traded on NASDAQ under the symbol TTWO. For more corporate and product information please visit our website at


Press Release - PlayStation 2

Verbrechen zahlt sich aus. Viele Millionen mal hat sich die Action-Sensation Grand Theft Auto 3 auf PC und PlayStation 2 verkauft. Erleben Sie die unvergleichlichen Abenteuer in der GTA-Metropole "Liberty City".

Der dritte Teil der vielfach preisgekrönten GTA-Reihe brilliert mit toller 3D-Grafik und einem einzigartig freien Gameplay. Auch bei GTA 3 gilt wieder: Respect is everything. Nur wenn Sie sich in brandgefährlichen Missionen bewähren, werden Sie sich den nötigen Respekt bei harten Gangs verschaffen können. Dabei bietet Ihnen auch der dritte Teil des legendären Actionspiels unbegrenzte Freiheit: Sie bestimmen völlig, welche Mission Sie wann erfüllen - und wie Sie sich fortbewegen. "Borgen" Sie sich eines von Dutzenden coolen Fahrzeugen oder machen Sie sich zu Fuß auf den Weg. Erleben Sie GTA mit 3D-Grafik in einer völlig anderen Perspektive.

Dabei bietet die PC-Version eine nochmals verbesserte Grafik mit höherer Auflösung und detailreichen Texturen. Zudem glänzt die PC-Fassung mit weiteren zusätzlichen Features: einer Replay-Option, mit der Sie bis zu 30 Sekunden Gameplay aufzeichnen und an Freunde per E-Mail verschicken können; einem editierbaren Hauptcharakter für den Sie eigene Skins verwenden können, etwa eingescannte Fotos; einem eingebauten mp3-Player, mit dem Sie aus Ihren Lieblings-Songs einen neuen Radiosender kreieren können.


Rockstar North


Keine Jugendfreigabe gemäß § 14 JuSchG.

Empfohlener Preis

29.95 €

Erhältlich von

Rockstar Games für PC.

Rockstar Games für PlayStation 2.

Source: - Windows/PlayStation 2

Finalement, le crime paie. La franchise très controversée mais si populaire de Grand Theft Auto passe en 3D dans les bas-fonds de Liberty City. Avec la liberté d'aller où vous voulez et d'agresser n'importe qui, Grand Theft Auto 3 place entre vos mains un monde du crime sombre, intrigant et impitoyable. Du moins si vous en avez le courage...


DMA Designs


Public Adulte DÉCONSEILLÉ aux moins de 16 ANS


de Rockstar Games sur PlayStation®2

Sortie Mondiale.

Aussi disponible: - PC

Ce qu'en pense la presse

"Grand Theft Auto 3 radicalise l'idée même de ce qu'un jeu a été jusqu'à présent"

-, USA

“Franchement, il n'y a pas d'autres titres semblables disponibles ici. Et même s'il y en avait, j'ai l'impression qu'ils ne pourraient même pas le concurrencer.”


"Ce titre pourrait très changer la manière dont sont conçus les jeux."

- OPM, octobre 2001, USA

"...Les gens parleront de ce jeu pendant encore longtemp."

- EGM, octobre 2001, USA

Source: - PlayStation 2


Sinut on petetty ja jätetty kuolemaan. Nyt olet päättänyt kostaa, ellei kaupunki tee sinusta selvää sitä ennen. Mafiapomot tarvitsevat palveluksia ja kaidalta tieltä suistuneet poliisit apua. Katujengit janoavat vertasi. Sinun on ryöstettävä, varastettava ja tapettava vain pysyäksesi erossa pahemmista ongelmista.

  • Mitä tahansa voi tapahtua.
  • "Grand Theft Auto 3 In Stunning 3D" -Official Playstation 2
  • "The God Father of crime simulation looks stunning" -P2


PlayStation 2 (Finland, back of keep case)

Rockstar Games Announces Partnership with Capcom Co., Ltd. for the Release of Grand Theft Auto 3 in Japan

Rockstar Games, the world-renowned publishing division of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO) is pleased to announce a partnership agreement with Capcom Co., Ltd. to localize, publish and distribute the blockbuster title Grand Theft Auto 3 for the PlayStationâ2 computer entertainment system and PC in Japan. Grand Theft Auto 3 is scheduled for release in the Japanese market in Fall 2003.

"We are extremely excited to have the opportunity to bring Grand Theft Auto 3 to the Japanese gaming public," stated Sam Houser, President of Rockstar Games. "We at Rockstar Games have great respect for Japan's passionate gaming community and admire its celebrated video game history. We have always felt that the freedom, non-linearity and gameplay mechanics explored in the Grand Theft Auto series possessed a universal allure that would appeal to gamers worldwide and clearly, Capcom shares the same beliefs. We look forward to working with them to extend the global reach of our best-selling franchise."

"It is an honor to partner with Rockstar Games to release Grand Theft Auto 3 in Japan" stated Kenzo Tsujimoto, President and CEO of Capcom Co., Ltd. "The Grand Theft Auto franchise changed the way video games are played and perceived with its groundbreaking gameplay, amazing production values and unparalleled sense of style. Now, the Japanese gaming community will finally have the opportunity to experience the Grand Theft Auto phenomenon firsthand. The release of Grand Theft Auto 3 is sure to be a landmark event in the Japanese gaming market."


Press Release

Liberty City is a dangerous place to be.

Liberty City is a dangerous place to be. Crime is spiralling out of control, and Liberty's three boroughs are being carved up in vicious turf wars between the many organised gangs that inhabit the City. Obviously, the Mafia are heavily involved, but Yakuza, Yardies, Colombians and other, less high-profile organisations are making their presence felt from one end of town to the other.

With so much bad blood being spilt, gangland vacancies are springing up on a daily basis. There's plenty of work for an aspiring criminal such as yourself, and with a recommendation from a 'friend' of the Family, you've just bagged your first job for the Mafia. Now all you have to do is watch your back, climb through the ranks, and build your reputation on the streets through a campaign of senseless violence, in this bloody but brilliant crime simulator.

You don't have to work for the Mafia, but it helps. The Cosa Nostra have a wide variety of enemies, which means there's no shortage of missions for an efficient and trusted killer. When you're not clipping the opposition, there are banks to rob, security vans to hold up, and all manner of other nefarious schemes to carry out. But all good things must come to an end, and before long you'll be looking to sell your new-found friends out to one of the other gangs in Liberty - before they do it to you.

This is a shame, because the Mafia have some of the coolest cars in the game, hulking great black slabs that glide through the city with style, and can absorb plenty of damage. Fortunately, there's no shortage of choice, as the streets of Liberty City are packed with every imaginable variety of vehicles - sports cars, pick up trucks, lorries, limos, and many many more - and you can steal them all. You can even steal an ambulance, fire engine or police car, and start working for the emergency services!

Or, if you like, you can go freelance. Surf the streets as a vigilante, administering punishment beatings if any of the locals step out of line. Or steal cars to order for the dodgy exporters at the docks. Or pick up the missions that the local "businessmen" leave for you at phoneboxes dotted around the city. Or... well, you get the idea. Do your own thing.

That said, whatever you do, make sure you watch out for the police. Although they tend to turn a blind eye to minor misdemeanours, most criminal activity triggers a concerted effort to bust your no-good hide. At first, you'll just have the local constabulary to deal with, but as you commit bigger and badder crimes, you'll find the FBI, SWAT teams, helicopter gunships and ultimately the Army are called out to halt your one-man crime spree. Now, if only you could find a way to steal one of their tanks...

The open-ended structure of the missions and gameplay will be familiar to GTA veterans, but the all-new, next generation Liberty City completely changes the nature of the gameplay. It's a sprawling, intricately detailed, three-dimensional playground, populated by a staggering array of law-abiding pedestrians, law-avoiding gang members, and all points in-between. Hours of fun can be had walking the streets, watching the antics of the locals (and keeping them in line where necessary). When you tire of this, there are the 80+ missions to contend with, all set up with well-written cut-scenes featuring professional actors. Or you could just cruise in your car (or preferably someone else's), enjoying the scenery and listening to the ten hilarious radio stations. Essentially, you can do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it, in any way that takes your fancy, and that's what makes Grand Theft Auto 3 an absolutely essential part of any self-respecting PlayStation 2 owner's collection.

  • Wreak havoc in a bustling 3D city!
  • Totally open-ended gameplay lets you choose how to play
  • Over 50 vehicles to steal, and more than 20 weapons at your disposal
  • Ten radio stations serve the city with hip-hop, dance, rock, country, opera, and more


Schon die ersten beiden Teile von GTA erreichten Kultstatus. Die Mischung aus Gangstersimulation, Autorennen und zweidimensionaler Cartoongrafik, abgerundet mit einer gehörigen Prise schwarzen Humor, fand unzählige Fans auf der ganzen Welt. Für den Schritt auf die neue Generation der Videospielkonsolen, erhält GTA 3 erstmals ein schickes 3D-Gewand. Inhaltlich setzt GTA 3 im Gegensatz zu seinen Vorgängern stärker auf die Hintergrundstory. Dabei geniesst du jedoch weiterhin die Freiheit und Non-Linearität, die bereits die ersten beiden Teile der Serie auszeichnete. Du kannst demnach weitestgehend selbst entscheiden, in welcher Reihenfolge du die unzähligen Missionen lösen möchtet, um damit in der Hirarchie der verschiedenen Gangs aufzusteigen. FEATURES: - Riesige Stadt mit drei komplett unterschiedlichen Stadtteilen - Über 80 Missionen - Über 50 verschiedene Fahrzeugtypen mit höchst unterschiedlichen Fahreigenschaften - Alle Fahrzeuge haben ein komplexes Schadenmodell mit 18 Zonen, die beschädigt werden können - Tages- und Nachtwechsel. Die Tageszeiten haben Einfluss auf die Missionen, denn die Stadt verändert sich bei Nacht. Bei Nacht werden die Strassen nicht von braven Bürgern, sondern von zwielichtigen Gestalten bevölkert - Unberechenbare Wetterwechsel mit Einfluss auf das Gameplay (z.B. schlechte Sicht bei Nebel oder glatte Strassen bei Regen) - Soundtrack mit mehr als zwei Stunden Musik.

Source: - PlayStation 2 (German)









Windows (back of German keep case)

Компьютерная версия третьей части культовой серии криминальных боевиков Grand Theft Auto.

Действие игры разворачивается в начале 2000-х годов в мегаполисе Либерти-Сити. Этот город давно поделен на сферы влияния несколькими мафиозными группировками, между которыми то и дело происходят кровопролитные стычки.

Случилось так, что во время налета на банк главного героя игры, наемника одной из банд, предали, лишь чудом ему удалось остаться в живых. Теперь у него лишь одна цель — отомстить врагам, пока этот ужасный город не сломил его окончательно.

Местным боссам нужны его услуги, продажным копам — его помощь, а уличным бандам — его труп. Чтобы выжить здесь, придется идти на любой риск.

  • Огромный, детально проработанный игровой мир — мегаполис Либерти-Сити, в котором постоянно что-то происходит независимо от действий игрока.
  • Различное оружие, в том числе бейсбольная бита, автоматы, пулеметы, снайперская винтовка, огнемет, гранаты, бутылки с зажигательной смесью.
  • Несколько десятков видов транспортных средств, которыми можно управлять: автомобили, катера, лодки и даже самолет.
  • Большое количество разноплановых заданий и профессий, в которых может попробовать себя главный герой.
  • Великолепное музыкальное сопровождение — несколько часов музыки на девяти радиостанциях, а также возможность загружать в игру собственные треки в формате MP3.


Game's page at 1C website

The sprawling crime epic that changed open-world games forever. Welcome to Liberty City. Where it all began.

The critically acclaimed blockbuster Grand Theft Auto III brings to life the dark and seedy underworld of Liberty City. With a massive and diverse open world, a wild cast of characters from every walk of life and the freedom to explore at will, Grand Theft Auto III puts the dark, intriguing and ruthless world of crime at your fingertips.

With stellar voice acting, a darkly comic storyline, a stunning soundtrack and revolutionary open-world gameplay, Grand Theft Auto III is the game that defined the open world genre for a generation.



Contributed by DreinIX, Patrick Bregger, Klaster_1, ProGamerX56, Xoleras, Grant McLellan, Indra was here, JPaterson, Rascal, skl.

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