🕹️ Pre-orders now open for physical editions of MMPR: Rita's Rewind


aka: Terraria: PlayStation 4 Edition, Terraria: Xbox 360 Edition
Moby ID: 51623

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Windows credits (2011)

108 people (98 professional roles, 10 thanks) with 123 credits.


Game Creator Andrew Spinks (Redigit)
Programmer Andrew Spinks (Redigit)
Production Assistant Jeremy Guerrette (Blue)
Graphic Designers Finn Brice (Tiy), Gabriel Henrique Kiesshau (Red Yoshi)

Terraria 1.4.1

Creator Andrew Spinks (Redigit)
Executive Producer Whitney Spinks (Cenx)
Designers Andrew Spinks (Redigit), Whitney Spinks (Cenx), Yorai Omer (Yoraiz0r)
Programming Yorai Omer (Yoraiz0r), Andrew Spinks (Redigit), Chris Bednarz (Skiphs), Charles Hanrahan (Grox), Jason Parker (Leinfors), Jason Berg (Solsund)
Graphics Victor Moura (Crowno), Jamison Hayes (Lazure), Jim Tommy Myhre Kjexrud (Jimmarn), Andrew Spinks (Redigit), Will Garner (Phlebas), Finn Brice (Tiy), Aaron Craig (AaronC), Gabriel Henrique Kiesshau (Red Yoshi)
Music Scott Lloyd Shelly
Sound Morten Lund Søegaard, Jens Kiilstofte, Pond5.com, SoundSnap.com
Dialog Jamison Hayes (Lazure), Jeremy Guerrette (Blue), Dustin Gunter (Splugen)
Quality Assurance Jason Parker (Leinfors), Crystal Ironheart (Ghostar), Houston Lawson (Food Barbarian), Olivia Cres (Arkhayla), Mike Johnson (0x33)
Business Development Ted Murphy (LoKi), David Phelps (D-Town)
Marketing Ted Murphy (LoKi)
Public Relations Amanda Powell (Safeman)
Webmasters Justin Coplen (Grumpy Squid), Chris Bednarz (Skiphs)
Playtesting Atri Maharaj (m4sterbr0s), Brian Gilliford (TGS), Mike Dunn (TrinityFlash), William Coffey (Ignoritus), Valtteri Nieminen, Ryan Le (Namyrr), Gabriel Henrique Kiesshau (Red Yoshi), Ragnor Berntsen (Devalaous), Brandon Kime (rbrandon), Clara Kane, Brian Hansen (Blahblahbal), Jay Jeckel (jeckel), Michael McCarthy (Kelp), Carwyn Dalrymple (Aeroblop), Adrian Wheeler (Unrealmegashark), Matthew Hunnicutt (Omnir), Tsukina Nakata (Tsuki), Suw Gutierrez (Suweeka), Joshua Wubker (Scizor300), Michael Dolas (shockah), Tyler Whiteman (BurnZeZ), Peter Doyle (Doylee), Kyle Hodge (Kley), Steven French (Twitchy), Anodomani, Igor Magi Marinho (Conker), Cheah Jun Siang, Zach Piispanen (Olink), Lisa Chiu (Lils), iRandomness, Kaleb Regalado (JesusLlama), Elias Naddaf (Elbow), Jonathan Poholarz (FallingSnow), Brandon Thomas, Daniel Faria (DMF), Luna Meier, Robert Buchanan (qig), Alexaunder Savoy (as303298), Alexander Reaves (Vandarx), QEM Mystery, Balázs Makai (Mamaluigi), Daniel Berner (Garro), Tyler Warr (Quill), Andrew Windmiller (Andydark), Steven Logghe (ppowersteef), Michele Nunziato (WIK), Chris Rohde (Criddle), Kaz Tollenaar (Kazzymodus), Sam Poirier (darthmorf), John Witzig (Aurora3500), Harley White (Acamaeda), Tristan Shabbick (Discipile), Evan Kirkpatrick (Antithesis), Keven Chastenay (Waze3174), Benjamin Hook (Jenosis), Connor Schneider (DarthKitten), Zach Yurek (Vulpes Inculta), Shane Grimson-Smith (Sigma), James Sterling (Khaios), Xavier Calder (Xman101), Cyntia Germaine (Serenity), W. Black (Altermaven), Midnaait, ManaUser, Unit One, General Milky, Tunnel King, Chris Ness, Yrimir, Peter Mann (Pedguin)
Special Thanks to The Torch God, Ben Spaulding (Coldwin), Kane Hart, James Bennett (Chippy), Brandon Reinhart, Nathan Stonestreet (Rartrin), Gabe Newell (as Lord Gaben), Markus Persson (Notch), Augusta Butlin, Ethan Lee (flibitijibibo)
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by Mtik333, Kabushi.