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Les recettes de Monsieur Parmentier

Moby ID: 51454

[ Macintosh add ] [ Windows ]

Windows credits (2004)

14 people with 18 credits.

Executive Producers Frédéric Puech, Marc Boucharlat
Created by Claude Delafosse
Recipes Christian Nabais
Animators Ange Potier, Imei Qiu
CD-ROM Concept Bénédicte Ronayette, Ange Potier
Actors Jean-Marie Burucoa, Guy Van Der Hofstadt, Jürgen Zwingel
Translators Beate Renner, Dieter Depraetere
Graphics Ange Potier, Youmna Tarazi
Additional Graphics Ange Potier, Youmna Tarazi
With the Help of Centre National de la Cinématographie
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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

Credits contributed by jean-louis.