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Windows screenshots
The Title Screen
One of the Loading Screens
Title screen.
Intro cutscene.
Character creation.
Introducing Tess. A primary character for a portion of the game.
Pause menu.
First person view while driving. I've got to valet this car to the front of the building. Tess needs a ride across town.
This definitely is NOT the condition of her car when we started.
Too much damage. Mission failed. I'm a bad valet driver.
Racing across town. The target spot in the sky indicates the drop-off/completion spot.
Entering the garage where you can purchase vehicles.
Viewing the Lotus Esprit specs.
I bought the Lotus. Cruising around town.
Arriving at my home/base of operations.
I leveled up!
Interior of my trailer home.
Watching TV. The weather channel is on.
You can change your clothes and appearance in your walk-in-closet. A shirtless option? Sure...why not look silly.
In my personal garage. You can choose what car to drive, but I've only got the one.
Lining up for a 1v1 race.
Crossed the finish line!
Race results. I won and got a reward.
Excuse me, I'm hear to obtain a driver's license. (how was I even a valet??)
My driver exam overview.
Attempting one of the first tests of the exam. Functions as a tutorial.
I failed my exam...
I passed my exam!
License approved and received.
Map and mission view.
Race set up.
Race start. We've got quite the competition lined up.
Race results. I won again!
Additional end-race stats.
Objectives menu. These function like in-game achievements.
You can select which vehicle to use in a race, even if you arrived in a different vehicle.
Racing in a time trial event. The penalty whistle notates how much time to add at the finish line. Go off road or make to many accidents/collisions and you will incur penalties.
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