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2025: Battle for Fatherland

Moby ID: 51032

Кавказ. 2025 год. Соединённые Штаты Америки, лишившиеся доверия союзников по НАТО, совершают военную агрессию против непризнанных республик Абхазии и Южной Осетии. В течении нескольких дней экономика оккупированных стран приходит в упадок, вооружённые силы теряют способность к обороне. Но, несмотря на то, что Россия не вмешивается в военный конфликт, остальные участники НАТО, в том числе Грузия, не спешат предоставлять американцам военную помощь. Демонстрация превосходства показала миру лишь одно: США окончательно потеряли лидерство, и не являются больше центром сил...

Для помощи в организации сопротивления из России прибывает полковник ГРУ Игорь Саутин.

Особенности игры:

  • Богатый арсенал: стационарное, снайперское, противотанковое оружие, мины, взрывчатка
  • Огромные шагающие роботы
  • 23 разнообразные миссии: от партизанских до открыто наступательных
  • Возможность командовать отрядом подопечных
  • Реалистичная анимация движений роботов (инверсная кинематика)
  • Движок из игры Heavy Duty, собственной разработки Primal Software
  • Уникальный игровой опыт!


ru.akella.com (Publisher's website)

By 2025 our worst fears have been realized. Distrust, fear and death stalk the nations of the world, turning friend against friend and breeding petty jealousies and hatred amongst once stalwart allies. The spectre of international terrorism is a dark shadow, used to keep the population in check.

Standing idly by while your family, friends and fatherland fall in the dust though is not your way. Never has been.

As part of the Peacekeeping Forces' special troops, you've decided it's time someone made a stand, and not till the last drop of blood drains from your heart will you let it go.

How you take down this powerful enemy is up to you; the varied mission structure will place you up against troops, tanks and even the stalking menace of battle-mechs. But it's not just about running in all guns blazing, pinpoint guerilla attacks can behead the enemy. Still, you're not averse to the odd taste of ultra-violence...

Key features: * 2025: Battle for the Fatherland is a third-person shooter offering the player opportunities for extensive unit customization. * It utilizes the powerful game engine used in Heavy Duty - providing the impressive inverse kinematics animation technique. * A geographic mission structure allowing you to see what is happening in bordering states. * Huge arsenal of futuristic weaponry including the stomping assassins, battle-mechs. * Compelling story and engaging main character draws the player into this violent, near-future world.


en.akella.com (Publisher's website)

Akella and Primal Software announce 2025: Battle for Fatherland, a new third-person action game that will amaze gamers with mech fights, diverse weapon application and tactics.

Year 2025 - The War Begins To End: “Having overrun much of the world with his hordes, a great enemy leader is poisoned" Nostradamus made his prediction. His wisdom of having a victory over foes has been flying to us through centuries. Do you believe him so far and think it's going to happen anyway? When threats and dangers are all around you can never be so sure of the battle outcome.

The game plot takes us to a very near future - that will embrace countries with fire, explosions, deaths and threatening enemies. Nations face hazard of terrorism that rules the world! You can just watch your nation getting suppressed and crushed or you can fight, fight as fiercely as your muscles endure.

The main character is a brave soldier of Peacemaking Forces who can't stand this passive non-involvement any longer. To destroy aggressively acting and lurking within terrorist hordes (hostile troops, separate units and mechs) he has a diverse arsenal at his disposal including tanks, jeeps, and mechs. The latter can use antitank and sniper's weapons. Missions vary so it's up to a gamer to decide which tactics to apply - crash every living malicious creature with the fire storm or kill invaders one by one in sharp guerilla attacks. The game intrigues will enable a player to go through organized resistance, betrayal, clandestine rebellion actions, and more secrets will be unveiled by the developers as the game creation progresses!

Key features:

2025: Battle for Motherland is a third-person action game with extensive unit customization;

Unforgettable character - real figure of the 21st century brave trooper who can't stand terrorist attacks any longer;

Compelling plot - prove that you can defend your fatherland against enemies!

Vast arsenal - all kind of lethal weapons, gigantic walking mechs at your disposal

The developers apply Heavy Duty's game engine that will undoubtedly lead to making mech's motion unbelievably realistic;

More than 20 physically bordering missions: being at one location a player can view a different location's part.


Akella press release (June 2007)

Contributed by Klaster_1, Patrick Bregger.

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