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Guilty Gear X

aka: GGX, Guilty Gear X: Advance Edition
Moby ID: 5076

Dreamcast version

A very original 2D fighting game.

The Good
Guilty Gear X is something of an oddity. 2D fighters have been feeling quite aged recently against the new wave fighters such as Soul Calibur 2. Guilty Gear X is different in a way that it feels just as fast and furious as any 3D fighter. The action is fast paced, and the controls are well laid out. This game is nothing but pleasing.

The Bad
There isn't much to dislike about this game. At times the difficulty is pretty high, but, that's a good thing.

The Bottom Line
This game is an extraordinary fighter. It truly stands out against the rest. A must have for any Dreamcast owner.

by big_brother (6) on October 3, 2004

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