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Shootout at the OK Galaxy

Moby ID: 50485

SHOOTOUTat the OK Galaxy


FROM: Federation Fleet Command, Terra

You are hereby ordered to relieve FSS Vengora in Patrol Zone

Standard operating vigilance will apply.


Admiral Shaillen Balic, commanding FFC

FST 3259-110314

"I was not surprised to be ordered in to relieve the Vengora. In the twelve years since those blasted politicians decided that the Federation doesn't need a real fleet after all the High Command has bounced the Demona all along the border to handle the real trouble spots. Don't get me wrong. Vengora is a good ship but she ain't the Demona and Grasini isn't me. A serious attack and they'd both be space dust."

"That was the last time I talked to Darien before he warped out. He's gonna have his hands full, going to the 0/K zone is always tough, real tough! But going there on a Delta Seven, damn."

Now, in SHOOTOUT (at the OK Galaxy), you are the Captain of the Federation Starship Demona, the pride of the Federation. In the 0/K patrol zone it is kill or be killed and those barbarians can make it be killed as often as not. At the helm of your starship, you will scour your patrol zone finding and destroying enemy raiders that outnumber you at least twenty to one. You are the only line of defense. You are all that stands between the ravening barbarian armada and the defenseless planets of the Federation. By your success, or failure, you will decide the fate of BILLIONS of innocent citizens of the Federation. If even one barbarian vessel eludes you, these defenseless innocents will pay the price of your failure.

SHOOTOUT (at the OK Galaxy) is a fast paced game that features state of the art graphics, hair trigger ship control and the ultimate in precision starship control.

Beyond the fine systems that make up this game, SHOOTOUT (at the OK Galaxy) allows you to select the danger level of the situation from FIFTEEN increasingly difficult levels. Your skill will never outgrow the challenges that this game presents for as your skill increases there is always a higher level of danger that will test your ability.

For the best in solitaire galactic conflict. SHOOTOUT (at the OK Galaxy) is the game for you. Yet another fine game from the craftsmen at MICROCOMPUTER GAMES and AVALON HILL.

SHOOTOUT is ready to run on the following computers:

Commodore 64® Computer.

VIC-20® Computer with at least 8K of memory.

Atari® Home Computers, 16K memory, with BASIC

TRS-80® Color Computer with 16K memory.

All versions require a joystick.


Back of Box - Atari 8-bit/C64/TRS-80 CoCo/VIC-20 (US)

Contributed by jean-louis.

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