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The Mystery of the Druids

aka: Das Geheimnis der Druiden, The Mystery of the Druids (Special Edition)
Moby ID: 5047
The Mystery of the Druids (Windows) screenshot: Select "Settings" from the Start screen to get this. Under "Visual Quality", choose from Highest Quality, Highest Performance or Use Hardware (for 3D acc. cards). Under "Music Quality", Highest Quality (Dolby SurroundSound) or Mono can be chosen.
The Mystery of the Druids (Windows) screenshot:
Select "Settings" from the Start screen to get this. Under "Visual Quality", choose from Highest Quality, Highest Performance or Use Hardware (for 3D acc. cards). Under "Music Quality", Highest Quality (Dolby SurroundSound) or Mono can be chosen.

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Added: March 28, 2002
Contributed by: Jeanne